The recently concluded annual education conference endorsed the standards for inclusive education, which aims to standardize the quality of inclusive education provided to children with disabilities and improve quality of inclusive education across all schools and for all children in Bhutan.
The Standards for Inclusive Education are a tool to support schools in Bhutan towards becoming more inclusive and it aims to provide guidance to schools for reflection, planning and actions towards inclusion.
The National Education Policy of Bhutan states that special educational needs of all students shall be catered to, to enhance both participation in education and the quality of learning.
To help achieve Bhutan’s goal of quality inclusive education all children with disabilities and special needs, including those with physical, mental and other types of impairment, will be able to access and benefit from education which will include full access to the curriculum, participation in extra-curricular activities and access to cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activities.
The program will be supported by trained and qualified personnel using teaching strategies responsive to different learning styles to ensure effective learning.
The teacher training will be re-oriented as a means of achieving the objectives of the children with disabilities and those with special needs will, to the greatest extent possible, be able to attend a local school where they will receive quality education alongside their non-disabled peers.
Given that children with disabilities who spend time away from home in educational boarding facilities shall be ensured inclusive education and safety, it was discussed that the provision of education should not take children away from their families and local communities since maximum participation by parents should be secured to achieve partnership in education. Institutes of higher learning will be equally accessible to disabled young people.
It was recommended strengthening the demand and capacity for community based rehabilitation, inclusive health and education services for children living with disabilities. Since not all disabilities can be prevented it is important to strive to make society inclusive, so that all its children have the opportunity to fully participate in society which includes evaluating and rethinking all social programs, such as schools, training and many more.
The standard will be implemented as a pilot program in all schools with Special Education Needs (SEN) program.
Quality education can only be achieved when every child, including children with disabilities, are in
the school receiving an inclusive quality education that provides them with the learning required for life.
Improving the quality of teaching and learning is the main pre-requisite for inclusion of children
with disabilities in mainstream schools. This requires changes and adaptations in content, teaching
methods, organization and structure of the educational system to provide learning opportunities for
all children. The mainstream education systems can and should be adapted to meet the needs of all
learners, and should offer learning opportunities for every child. Children with disabilities have an
equal right to access inclusive, quality education, and a right to the support and adaptations
necessary to facilitate their learning.
Inclusive education allows students of all background to learn and grow side by side, to the benefits
of all. But progress comes slowly. Inclusive systems require changes at all level of society. At the
school level, teachers must be trained, buildings must be refurbished, and students must receive
accessible learning materials. At the Community level, stigma and discrimination must be tackled, and individual need to be educated on the benefit of inclusive education. At the national level,
Governments must align laws and policies with the convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities and regularly collect and analyse data to ensure children are reached with effective
In the last two decades, in India, various important policies have undertaken to ensure access and quality
of education for children with disabilities. This are-Right to Education Act, Right of Person with
Disability Act, National Curriculum Framework, National Education Policy 2020. During 2001 Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan implemented to ensure that every child with special needs, irrespective of the kind,
category and degree of disability, is provided with a meaningful and quality education. However, this
approach of education emphasises on changes in system-level practices and policies to meet student
I want to draw here the real story of my close friend for her Daughter is facing problem of Memorization, not proper pronunciation of words. My friend admitted her daughter in Public school near his home, his Daughter Shakeela was admitted in the age of 6 years in Pre-Primary (K.G) class for education in normal school. The Lady teacher in that school at Hyderabad city try to give proper attention on her education through hands on activity, games and other related activities in the Classroom.
I properly know that she try for her education three to four years and Shakeela cover only two grades K.G and Class-I, after that her teacher advise to her father to move shakeela to an another school for her proper education and physically, mentally, socially and emotionally development.
My friend take her daughter to near reputable private school for further inclusive education in normal school in Hyderabad city. He met with the Principal and request for admission of her daughter, but at that time near about 15 years ago she refused to given admission his daughter due to mental disturb. The Principal advise him to visit the special education center for her admission in that School.
He also take her daughter for the admission of her daughter at that time he was observed special education center being a professional teacher he feel that my daughter will not get proper education at special education center.
I specially request to the Educational Leaders, Administration, Stakeholders and community members to pay proper attention towards the Special education Schools to convert in Quality of inclusive education in all schools for the proper education of special need of children in all other the Pakistan.
The education is main pillar and right to all the children of society need education. The education is responsibility of State to provide “Free Education to All”. Now a days the administration and stakeholders are trying for provide free education in Government Schools and Colleges.
The administrative organization and the structure of special education in Pakistan is unique. I has strengths and weakness. It provides for the needs of the country to convert the special education into the inclusive education for the proper development and education of special needs of the children.
The admission case of Shakeela is never repeated to other children of special needs in any corner of the village or city. It is prime responsibility of the state to provide quality education to all children.
Story of Inclusive Education