Numerous schools in Sarpang have been closed for atleast two days to even for a week due to the heavy rainfall causing floods and road destruction.
Chief Program Officer, MoE, Phuntsho Wangdi, said, “We have addressed the safety and awareness for the students to every dzongkhag, and advised the dzongkhags to take the local decision according to the situation.”
He said that various trainings were provided in schools during workshops to the teachers and students to ensure their safety during such disasters.
Sarpang Lower Secondary School (LSS) called off the school on July 22 since 551 out of 977 students were absent. As 70 percent of the students who were able to make it to school were completely drenched the schools further extended the holiday till July 27.
Similarly, 13 other schools, like Dekiling LSS, Chokorling LSS, Jigmecholing LSS and several other schools in Sarpang were called off due to the same reason. However, Jangchuling LSS, Gakiling, Singye and Lhayul Primary School resumed normal classes due to normal attendance and less damage reported in the area.
“To ensure safety of the students, we called off the school as there was heavy rainfall for several days depending on the weather,” said the Chief Program Officer, adding that so far, there have been no report of damage to schools and infrastructure, except for the class being called off for several days.
“Most of the schools have resumed from last two days after the rainfall amount has been declined and most of the road blockages have been settled,” he said.
As per the report so far, rest of the dzongkhags have been conducting a normal classes except for Chukha where one school has been called off due to the heavy downpour.
WFP Coordinator, MoE said that the division is monitoring ration sustainability where almost all the boarding schools are able to sustain rations for at least 20 days. She said, “The third quarter of the ration is supposed to be reached by this time, and we have ensured that every schools contact us if any problem occurs.” She further added that no schools have called so far. She said Nimtola School in Dagana had insufficient food supply and now the problem has been solved.