The joint sitting of Parliament endorsed the Dzongkhag Thromdes for 15 Dzongkhags. The proposals for Dzongkhag Thromdes was put to vote one after the other with 15 of 16 proposals securing three fourth of the votes as required by the Constitution.
However, voting on the Pemagatshel Dzongkhag Thomde, neither Nganglam nor Denchi secured three fourth of the votes to be declared as Dzongkhag Thromde. Nganglam secured 37 ‘Yes’ votes while Denchi secured only 33 ‘Yes’ votes both failing to secure a total of 54 votes corresponding to three fourth majority.
The Speaker expressed that the people of Pemagatshel should not be disheartened with the decision. He further added that the Ministry of Works & Human Settlement and the Local Government of the area should suitably identify the Dzongkhag and Yenlag Thromdes and resubmit to the Parliament at an appropriate time.
Regarding the proposal for Paro Dzongkhag Thromde, the joint sitting resolved on the merger of Bondey town with existing town of Tshongdu. Areas like that of Rinpung Dzong, National Museum and Paro international airport were among other places which were also included in Paro Dzongkhag Thromde. The previous proposal for Paro Dzongkhag Thomde with an area of 90 acres was not endorsed.
Similarly, it was resolved to amalgamate Gyalposhing and Kilikhar towns with Mongar Dzongkhag Thromde and Tingtibi with Zhemgang Dzongkhag Thromde.
Deliberating on Yenlag Thromdes, the joint sitting endorsed a total of 18 Yenlag Thromdes. In addition to the Yenlag Thromde of Pemagathsel which was not endorsed, the proposals for Yenlag Thromde for Paro Dzongkhag at Jitsiphu, Bitekha and Wanakha were also not endorsed after failing to secure three fourth of the total votes.
Meanwhile, the Dzongkhag Thromdes for Thimphu, Chukha, Samdrupjongkhar and Sarpang remains the same as declared in 2010.