2,200 sustainable prayers flags dedicated to HM

Two thousand two hundred prayer flags (Lung-Dhar) have been hoisted and dedicated to His Majesty The King on His 40th Birth Anniversary on the road leading to the Buddha Dordenma statue at Kuenselphodrang and Sangaygang, Thimphu.

Of the total, 1,850 flags were raised between the road junction at Hindu Mandir and the Buddha statue and 350 flags at Sangaygang.

Consecrated by His Eminence Gyalsay Trulku Jigme Tenzin Wangpo along with Gyalwa Shacha Trulku and two Trulku Yangisids of Je Geduen Rinchen on February 21, 2020, the flags also represent the collective prayer from the people of Bhutan for the auspicious birth of a Royal Sibling to His Royal Highness The Gyalsey, and the ushering of a new decade of peace and prosperity for the nation.

Lung Dhar carries profound symbolism. These prayers denote long life, prosperity, aura and overall well-being of the person to whom it is offered, thus a befitting dedication to our beloved King, said a release.

Additionally, restrooms and facilities for a “View Point” will be constructed enroute in the course of this year.

The flag poles are made of steel, including the Khorlo (wheel) and the Reldri (Sword), with its base tip embedded underground with concrete so that the flag stays as a permanent fixture.

In so doing, apart from the prayers for the King, the 2,200 steel poles will be used hereafter to hoist prayer flags by Thimphu residents, saving thousands of young trees every year.

All these activities were carried out over a span of three months under the banner of “The Nation in Prayer” Initiative spearheaded by the Newsy Advertisement & Media with support from Thimphu Thromde and Thimphu Dzongkhag.

The flags were sponsored by 700 Bhutanese from all over the country plus those residing in places like Australia, the USA and other parts of the world. Each flag carries the name of the sponsor in the form of a sticker that has an in-built reflector which will glow at night when light from the passing vehicles fall on it, thus making the stretch also safer for driving.

The plan, in 2020 is to hoist flags on steel poles at strategic points all over Bhutan and  save tens of thousands of trees.

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