250 shops are to be opened in the different zones in Thimphu, and the health surveillance teams have already tested all of the shopkeepers. Thromde will provide them with cards after testing negative for COVID-19, and the shopkeepers are required to wear and display the cards so that it is easily visible.
Head of Office of Performance Management under His Majesty’s Secretariat, Karma Yonten, said workers living in different zones are to be escorted by the DeSuups, and if the owners of shops are located in the super zones then the city bus will pick and drop them while following the strict zone protocols.
As the shopkeepers are exposed to different people, therefore, they are requested to follow extra precaution by staying in a separate room after work, so that they can keep their family members safe against COVID-19. The health protocols are to be strictly followed due to the severity of the virus transmission. “So when you come home, take a shower and change clothes,” Karma Yonten added.
He said they received a long list of shops that wanted to open during the first lockdown, but many shops could not be contacted this time because the contact numbers were incorrect. Some shop owners had complained because they were left out.
According to Karma Yonten, Thimphu Thromde took the responsibility, and even before the lockdown started, they had already put plans in place and had selected 250 shops in different zones through a lucky dip system.
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