Cordyceps collection declines
This year the quantity of cordyceps has declined, but if it’s any consolation the quality is excellent compared to the last year.
In the Soe community after a month’s duration of cordyceps collection, people returned home with just a handful of it.
Soe Gup Kencho Dorji said the value of cordyceps would increase as the quality is good.
“Highest amount of cordyceps collected in our gewog was 250 gms while few of them got only 150-100 gms,” he said.
Last year the cost of cordyceps was around Nu 60 per piece and this year it might increase to Nu 100. The prices will be confirmed during the auction on 22 July.
The dairy products increased drastically this year as there was plenty in pasture and cattle did not fall prey to wild animals.
(Thinley Wangmo)
Adding to the wishlist
The local administration at the Wangchang gewog started their meetings with the Tshogpas and people from its five chiwogs.
The meeting is basically focused to discuss development needs and the people’s feedbacks will be referred to the road map for the 11th five year plan.
“This year’s priority will be specifically on the reduction of poverty. These priorities will include developing better and more efficient irrigation canal besides other means of production,” said a gewog administrative officer.
(Yeshey Tshewang)
Gewog fulfills work plan
The gewog has finally completed 24 farm roads which was a part of the development road map of the 10th five year plan.
The new farm roads will benefit around 400 households. However the accident cases in the gewog still persist as a recent accident claimed two lives including a Thai national.
(Yeshey Tshewang)
Hope for brighter prospects
Nahi Gewog has completed all the development activities in time for the financial year 2011-2012 as part of the Tenth Five Plan Year.
A 2mn budget was allocated for works on the construction of irrigation channels, water source, farm road, Out Reach Clinic (ORC) and renovation of lhakhang.
“The completion of these works has already had positive impacts on the villagers. We expect a brighter future from these development activities,” said Nahi Gup Karpo Dorji.
Nahi gewog has five chiwogs with 150 households and a population of 1500 and it is a thirty-minute walk from the nearest road point. In the past it was hard for the villagers to even earn Nu1000 in a year. People now hope to earn a better livelihood with the infrastructure in place.
(Dawa Zangmo)
Cordyceps price hits the highest but collection falls short
Usually in the Cordyceps season, 4000 to 5000 pieces of cordyceps is easy collection, but this year it has been tough just to hit the 1000th mark.
Although cordyceps prices have rocketed to Nu 700,000 this year Layaps are sad with their meager collection.
Laya gup Kinley Dorji said “It is sad to have collected only few cordyceps when the cost has reached very high”. However, people also have other sources to earn money, like working in the Lunana project of Mitigating Thorthormi Lake and also other sources of work from which they earn good money.
The auction of cordyceps in Laya will be held on 13 and 14 July. However, the venue of auctioning has changed from Gasa to Tashithang as the way to Gasa has been badly damaged by recent flash floods.
(Ugyen Dorji)