29 govt and pvt institutes exchange ideas on quality skills

The labor ministry for the first time initiated a Training providers’ exchange program to improve the quality of trainings provided by both government and private institutes in Phuentsholing.

The program which saw 29 selected applicants comprising principals, CEOs and directors of various institutions began on March 12.

“The pilot program was held mainly to gather all training providers and share their innovative practices; exchange ideas, knowledge and learn from each other,” said head of the Quality Assurance Division under labor ministry, Tandin Dorji.

He added that the program will improve the quality of knowledge and skills provided by the institutes to trainees when they return to their respective institutes.

Today, the nation has 52 private institutes, 12 government institutes and four non-governmental organizations and corporations.

The program assigned three important group tasks: firstly, it was to identify good innovative practices like recruitment of trainees, quality management system, assessment of trainees, delivery of trainings, and other positive strengths of the institutes.

Identifying weaknesses, challenges, constraints, issues and coming up with recommendations was the second task assigned for the program.

“The findings for certain issues faced by training institutes is still coming up since the exchange program is in progress,” said Tandin Dorji.

As soon as the program ends on March 22, each participant will acquire their own recommendations regarding the issues and challenges they face in the institute while rendering skills to trainees.

There is need of improvement especially in the private sector with regard to training delivery, curriculum courses and trainers themselves.

“Through all this activities, we are expecting to improve these private training providers to improve their training delivery,” said Tandin Dorji.

The exchange program will therefore find ways and means to collaborate and form partnership among the institutes and provide quality trainings.

At the completion of assignments, the participants will come up with their own action plan to provide quality trainings.

Institutes from various regions were eagerly looking forward to participate in the program but budget constraints restrained the organizers from selecting all.

In the future, if the pilot program turns out to be successful, the ministry will conduct it annually and try to select all interested parties.


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