2,999 vacancies created and 986 youthemployed under GEP

As per the latest report published on the status of Direct Employment Scheme (DES) under the Guarantee Employment Program (GEP) of Ministry of Labour and Human Resources, as of 1 July 2014 till 31 December 2014 2,999 vacancies were announced.

That is nearly 3000 vacancies but only 986 youth have been employed under the DES so far. 508 females and 478 males were placed in various sectors, like tourism and hospitality, corporations and NGOs, arts and crafts, health, and others.

The report states that a total of 289 degree holders, 305 class XII, 118 class X and 180 TTI graduates have been employed under GEP from July 1 to December 3, 2014.

The statistical report further points out that there were 132 vacancies for the undergraduate jobseekers in tourism and hospitality, corporations and NGOs, arts and crafts, health

and others, where a total of 82 (46 females and 36 males) were employed.

Out of 271 vacancies created for class XII jobseekers in tourism and hospitality, corporations and NGOs, arts and crafts, health and others, a total of 97 (56 females and 41 males) were employed.

Meanwhile, in the tourism and hospitality sector, corporations and NGOs, arts and crafts, health and others for class X jobseekers, there were 489 vacancies, and 72 of the jobseekers were employed.

There were 171 females and 205 males placed under 704 vacancies announced in construction (non-hydro), hydropower, media and entertainment, information and communications technology (ICT), and agriculture.

As per the report, 180 vacancies were created in construction (non-hydro), hydropower, media and entertainment, ICT and agriculture sectors for the under graduates and

149 were employed.

Out of 157 vacancies announced for class X in construction (non-hydro), hydropower, media and entertainment, ICT and agriculture sectors, 81 (56 females and 25 males) were employed.

Likewise, for TTI candidates, 116 vacancies were created by the ministry under GEP in construction (non-hydro), hydropower, media and entertainment, ICT and agriculture sectors, 36 (16 females and 20 males) were placed in the jobs.

172 females and 182 males found job placements in the 1354 vacancies opening in production/manufacturing, automobile, retail and sales, education and training, and green business.

As per the report, production/ manufacturing, automobile, retail and sales, education and training and green business sectors has employed the highest number of youth. From a total of 103 vacancies created for undergraduate youth, 58 have been employed.

Similarly, 208 vacancies were created for class XII jobseekers in production/ manufacturing, automobile, retail and sales, education and training and green business where 98 of the youth were employed in the various sectors.

59 class X youth and 139 TTI youth were employed for the 950 job vacancies for class X and 93 job vacancies for TTI in production/ manufacturing, automobile, retail and sales, education and training and green business sectors.

The cumulative statistics of MoLHR, from January 2013 till 30 November 2014, show that 6926 male and 8436 female jobseekers have registered with MoLHR.

So far, the private sector has announced and employed the highest number of youth jobseekers. A total of 4529 vacancies were announced by the private sector, 3514 was announced by the government, 1986 vacancies were announced by the corporate sector and 75 vacancies were announced by NGOs.




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