Flash flood threatening the lives of villagers

Three houses are on the verge of collapse due to continuous rain and flashfloods at Dahap village under Geling gewog in Chhukha dzongkhag.

Incessant rain for three days from 15-17 July, had swollen-up the stream which flows near the three houses and weakened them.

The house owners are advised by the gewog officials to stay out of their houses until the monsoon is over. This was ordered after the gup and the officials were informed by the affected house owners and they inspected the affected areas of the house.

The gup of Geling gewog Phub Dorji said he has informed this issue to the Dzongkhag. It is expected that the Dzongkhag engineer will be in Dahap village to inspect the affected houses and hence necessary actions will be taken to save the houses.

The house owners are expect that the dzongkhag will do everything to save their houses and renovate the house if required. The house owners have currently shifted to a temporary hut to avoid the risks as advised by the officials.

Gup Phub Dorji said, this monsoon has hugely affected the village.


Gewog gears-up for 11th FYP

Development plans for the next financial year was discussed last week in the Dzongkhag Yargay Tshogde (DYT) hall with the Dzongda, Tshogpas, villagers and officials from the dzongkhag.

Gewog Gup Karma Wangchuk said Yangtse gewog has included plans for water facilities which is a major issue for the community and also provide farm road and electricity facilities.

He said the core development would take place in Rabte chiwog as a new farm road of 8 kms would be constructed followed by water facilities to the chiwog.

“At the moment the chiwog has scanty water facilities and it is not sufficient for paddy cultivation,” he said. In addition to that he said the water source is already identified and it’s around 9 kms from the chiwog.

In the 11th FYP the gewog plans to connect Rabte and Gangkhar with an 8km farm road. This would benefit around 150 households and maintain the 2km farm road which connects Rabte and Tongzhang.

The Gup said that they have allocated Nu 200mn for all development activities in Yangtse gewog.

(Thinley Wangmo)


Draft of 11th five year plan

The 11th five year plan draft includes 11 Rural Water Supply Schemes (RWSS), eight km irrigation channels, 27 kms of farm roads and other minor activities for development of the gewog.

Along with the drafting of the five year plan, construction works of schools are underway and is expected to be completed within this financial year. Construction of a Community School for more than 100 students is yet to complete.

In the meantime construction of dining hall, laboratory and quarter for matron and warden for Gongthung Middle Secondary School are underway.

(Tashi Deki)


Local Vets train to control Dogs and Dog diseases

A training program was been held in Wangchang for the local veterinarians on dog spaying and campaigns on anti-rabies measures.

Under the initiative of the Department of Livetock an NGO called the Humane Society based in India was invited for the purpose.

As part of the program the officials from the Humane Society in collaboration with the officials from livestock department visited various areas in the country to spay canines and vaccinate them to prevent rabies and other canine related diseases.

The gewog administration officials in Paro said this initiative is crucial not only to prevent canine related diseases but also to control the dog population in Paro.

However some of the villagers in Lango gewog said that a series of mysterious canine deaths has troubled them for a while.

Although no official complains has been received but officials at the livestock department say it is not an epidemic of any sort that could prove fatal to other livestock.

(Yeshey Tshewang)

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