NCDs account for huge loss of lives and huge expenditure

About 250mn people in the South East Asia Region (SEAR) are Smokeless Tobacco (ST) users, this statistical data was presented at the ‘Regional Tobacco Control Program Managers Meeting,’ in Thimphu last July.

Among women, ST use is more prevalent than smoking in most of the SEAR countries except in Nepal. Tobacco Control is one measure to control Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

The WHO global health observatory 2011 report, states that 80% deaths were due to NCDs in every WHO region which includes diabetes, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular and others.

“NCDs are the number one killers in SEAR,” said Dr. Nyo Nyo Kyaing who presented on the topic ‘Tobacco Control as a component Prevention and Control of NCDs.’

NCDs also claim younger lives in SEAR compared to the rest of the world. “They have become an epidemic now,” she said.

It can be prevented if common risk factors such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use and excessive use of alcohol are eliminated.

The cost of treatment of NCDs is a sky-rocketing amount, whereby public health policies and program should focus on health promotion and primary prevention to reduce the risk of people developing NCDs.

Global laboratory for prevention and control of NCDs has three pillars which include surveillance where epidemics of NCDs are mapped, prevented by reducing the level of exposure to risk factors and health care for people with NCDs are strengthened.

Multi-sector actions such as education, agriculture, finance, information and environment are imperative to address the NCDs with the involvement of many other partners like media, academics and so on.

The huge spectrum of tobacco products includes Gutka, Khaini, Gudhakhu and more.

ST is said to be prevalent in the youths for the various reasons such as, being cheap, attractive packaging, surrogating advertisements, fragrance, sweet taste etc.

The program on ‘Regional Tobacco Control Program Managers Meeting,’ with the 11 member states of SEAR concluded with outcomes on the various discussions.

(Tashi Deki)


Gewog left with two major works

With the tenth five year plan on the verge to end, the gewog is left with two major development works from the last financial year.

A farm road of 7.5 kilometers between Gongphung and Shokhang Goenpa has been completed with its first cutting and now the second cutting work is yet to begin. Budget allocated for this is Nu 2.5mn which is funded by the Government of Bhutan. It is slated to be completed in two months’ time.

Rural Water Supply Scheme (RWSS) rehabilitation in Rashi Goenpa is done with the survey and as of now supply orders are underway. It will benefit about 150 people. It is funded by the government with a budget of almost Nu 0.3mn and this will be completed within two months.

(Tashi Deki)


Earthquake-damaged houses yet to receive insurance in Haa

Bji Gewog in Haa Dzongkhag is on the verge of completing the insurance for last year’s earthquake

Of 279 households who were destructed by the September earthquake, only 105 households received the insurance while the remaining will be covered in a few days.

“There were some classifications like grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3, based on the damages.  If the house has suffered major destruction then it falls under Grade 3, but due to some mistakes in the grading there is a delay in getting insurance” said Bji Gup Ugyen

Approximately 70 to 80 households currently live in temporary huts; however people will soon have their permanent homes. Houses were also provided with logs for the construction.

Bji gewog has five chiwogs with total population of 1500.

(Dawa Zangmo)





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