383,756 SP capsules, 22,737 N10 tablets, 1,355 kg marijuana seized from 2014-17

Between 2014 to 2017 police made 2,805 drug related arrests and seized an astounding 383,756 capsules of SP (Spasmo-Proxy-Von), the most abused chemical substance in the country, besides a host of other restricted substances, according to records of the Royal Bhutan Police.

The other substances seized in four years were 22,737 tablets of N10,  1,355 kgs of Marijuana, 1,846 bottles of Corex, 84 bottles of Diluter, 1,715 grams of Dendrite and 12 litres of Thinner.

Of the total arrests in four years, 144 were female and 2,661 were male. From this number 404 were students including 12 female and 87 were civil servants of which three were female.

Year wise there were 712 arrests in 2014, 515 arrests in 2015, 523 arrests in 2016 and 1,055 arrests in 2017.

Since the implementation of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Substance Abuse Act of Bhutan (NDPSSA) in 2015, RBP have forwarded 693 drug abusers to Bhutan Narcotic Control Agency (BNCA) for treatment.

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