4 gewog policing units to be established within October

The Royal Bhutan Police will establish four more gewog policing units in the remote locations of Lingshi, Laya, Jigmecholing and Kheng Buli by the end of October to deter crime deter crime, provide immediate police response and improve access to police service.

As of now, they have established gewog policing in Paro Tsento, Betikha, Haa Talung and in Gakiling Bjee.

The Chief of Police, Colonel Chimi Dorji, said gewogs are identified based on remoteness and crime rate to establish gewog policing.

Gewog policing in Lingzhi will be established next week. Earlier there were no place to stay but now with the support from zongkhag and gewog, the old BHU will be used to house, for now, three to four police personnel in Lingzhi.

By October end gewog policing will be established in Laya and simultaneously in Kheng Buli under Zhemgang and Jigmecholing under Sarpang. The deployment of the number of police (magmi) personnel will not exceed more than four.

The Police Chief said that gewog policing would also control illegal practices. “In far away locations, even if there is any heinous crime they tend to compromise and solve within themselves, which leads to illegal practices,” he said. “Once gewog policing is established they will have the opportunity to interact with the people whereby they can sensitize people on personal security, illegal possession/trafficking of drugs and sensitization on practices like zebra crossing.”

In particular, CoP emphasized on gewog policing in Jigmicholing in Sarpang. He said that, the situation in Jigmecholing is bit different though it is just two hours from Gelephu. The number of crimes is high and moreover, there is increasing number of cross border crimes. The deployed police will be provided with the difficulty allowance and border allowance as per their service rules.

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