51 Dantak and 30 IMTRAT people have tested positive so far

Of the 304 total national cases as of Friday IMTART had 30 cases while DANTAK had 51 cases. Most of these cases have been local transmission among them.

A silver lining is that the spread has been mainly among them due to the contained nature of their campuses but the risks are there.

 IMTART and DANTAK campuses are two areas in Phuentsholing which are being identified as red zones.

 The latest situation in the DANTAK containment area will be known once the test result is out. As of today, since the 14th day has been completed, they are testing 273 people in the DANTAK area and the result will be out probably at late night Friday.

Initially, the DANTAK area was considered as a high risk area and was contained for 21 days and since the risk was still not averted, it was extended by another 14 days.

Lyonpo said, “Both DANTAK and IMTART have been highly cooperative so far, following protocols from day one. We have one national protocol which they are also following.”

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