835 active cases in Phuentsholing

Phuentsholing has 835 active cases currently. The previously reported three patients in critical conditions have improved but are still under monitoring. They are in RIGSS isolation in Phuentsholing.

But, there are other three critical cases with underlying medical conditions. They are more severe from the underlying medical conditions than from COVID-19, with one in Gelephu and two in RIGSS isolation in Phuentsholing. In total, there are six critical patients. 

Phuentsholing has an enhanced 10-day lock-down starting from 6th February, 2022 in order to reduce COVID-19 cases and control the widespread transmission and outbreaks of COVID-19.

The 10-day lock-down was imposed to reduce the risk of infection for the vulnerable people including those with commodities, pregnant women, elderly people, children and unvaccinated individuals.

The unlocking of Phuentsholing will depend on the results of the mass testing which will commence from 16 February.

The SC19TF Chairman said Phuentsholing will be able to achieve the goal of reducing cases and transmission of COVID-19 only if there is unstinting support and cooperation from all residents in Phuentsholing.

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