932 test positive out of 7,647 tested for Drugs

In a series of recent drug bust operations, the Royal Bhutan Police (RBP) has taken robust actions against the smuggling of illicit drugs, further reaffirming the country’s commitment to ensuring a safe and secure environment for its citizens.

On 12 October 2023, the Rinchending Integrated Check Post (ICP) personnel arrested a man hailing from Thimphu for smuggling illicit drugs, specifically SP Plus. The man along with his wife was detained while en route to Thimphu.

Preliminary investigations suggest that the man had purchased the drugs from Bow Bazaar in Jaigoan.

Additionally, their vehicle has been impounded. The RBP’s Narcotic Division has extended a request to all well-wishers, partners, and friends to continue supporting the police in their efforts to make our country the safest place to live and work.

The National Drug Task Force on 10 October 2023 conducted a weekly screening of 226 people for substance use.

So far, a total of 7,647 individuals were screened where 932 individuals tested positive.

The screening included 2,906 taxi drivers, 2,404 other drivers, 2,006 others and 331 bus drivers. All the 932 individuals who tested positive were male and it included 800 others, 99 other drivers, 32 taxi drivers and 1 bus driver.

Other drivers include bolero drivers, drivers ferrying tourists, truck drivers and others drivers excluding taxi drivers and bus drivers.

Regarding the referral to treatment assessment panel, 370 individuals were referred to JDWNRH, 171 to Phuentsholing hospital,71 to CRRH, 34 to Bajo DIC, 29 to ERRH, 27 to Samdrupjongkhar DIC, 13 to Bumthang hospital and 8 to Trongsa hospital.

Further, 742 individuals were recommended to outpatient services from the hospitals and 8 to residential service.

 On 8 October 2023, RBP personnel at the Jitti Integrated Check Post, acting on a tip-off, arrested three individuals attempting to smuggle narcotic substances across border crossings. The operation resulted in the seizure of 3,730 SP Plus capsules.

With the tightening of smuggling routes from Phuentsholing, smugglers have been resorting to alternative pathways.

RBP continues to vigilantly patrol the border areas, and collaborate with local communities to prevent the infiltration of narcotics into the country. The constant highway checking following tip-offs are also effective.

As of date, more than 2,500 individuals have been arrested related to drugs.

Individuals testing positive for drugs are sent for counselling and treatment. However, those caught carrying drugs are arrested and charged according to the law.

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