A chance to become a Millionaire: Saya Dakpo Quiz Game

Samuh in collaboration with Bhutan National Bank (BNB) launched Saya Dakpo- The Bhutanese Millionaire. Saya Dakpo is a reality show which is essentially a quiz game where one can participate to earn money. Inspired by other similar games, it is a unique show incorporating the uniqueness of Bhutan.

It will be Bhutan’s first ever quiz game show with the chance to earn money. With questions designed from history to sports to entertainment and much more, the player will also be aided by a wheel of luck to the journey of becoming a millionaire.

The game is designed to test the knowledge and luck of contestants. The show will include eight levels of 15 questions with a grand prize of Nu. 1 million. If one is able to clear all the levels, one will become a millionaire.

The show will be presented both in Dzongkha and English and the show will be for a duration of three months with 24 episodes. With plans to air it as a seasonal reality show, Saya Dakpo is to air one season per year.

In order to participate in the show, one has to register through the BNB mobile banking app, MPay. One can create an account with BNB if they do not have one. Nu.100 will be charged per entry and 100 registered participants will be shortlisted for a chance to participate in the show.

For those who do not register they will also have a chance to win money. One can win by watching the show through an audience game. To participate for the audience show, you will have to register from MPay and submit your answer. One lucky winner be awarded Nu.20000 and one will be charged Nu.25 for the entry.

As the game is of luck and knowledge, the player will be aided with a wheel of luck during the game. The wheel of luck entails eight different powers, each related to the eight lucky signs.

One player will attempt to win Nu. 1,000,000 aided by the three lucky signs. The game has eight levels with increasing difficulty. Each level has two questions except for level 8 which has only one question.

Level 1-5 has time limits and level 6-8 has no time limits. Once all the levels are cleared, the player will become Saya Dakpo and take-home Nu.1 mn.

The show will be presented by actor Gyem Dorji and the show is to be aired from June 2023. Currently, the registration is open and will be open till the end of March. According to Gyem Dorji, he shared that he was honored and happy to be the show’s presenter.

The launch was graced by Letshog Lopen Sangay Dorji. There will be no limitations of the number of winners.   

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  1. Suk Bir Ghalley

    I have answered all the questions la…

  2. I dont have any comment on this.
    I am happy to take chance on this.

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