A look at the assets of the two party presidents

The combined assets declared by the DPT president Jigmi Y Thinley and the PDP president Tshering Tobgay amount to around Nu 500 mn.

Of this the DPT president and his family (includes wife and children) own assets worth around Nu 493 mn while the PDP president and his family (wife and children included) own assets worth around Nu 15.7 mn.

The DPT president’s total assets in 2008 were worth around Nu 40 mn, as declared to the Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB) while that of the PDP president’s asset was worth around Nu 7.5 mn.

The bulk of both the presidents’ assets value comes from the land holdings that are both in their name and of those of their family members.

DPT president’s assets

The DPT president’s assets have not increased much in size as compared to 2008, but since most of his holdings are in land asset, the market values have shot up significantly as compared to 2008.

The president’s house and land in Babesa where he resides is put at a value worth of Nu 166 mn.  A plot of land in Seleykha is worth around Nu 50 mn.

A plot of land in Babesa under his daughter’s name is around Nu 80 mn. Similarly, another plot of land in Babesa under his son’s name is valued at around Nu 40 mn.

A bungalow in lower Mothithang  that is in his wife’s name is worth around Nu 41 mn, a plot of land in Hejo is worth Nu 14.10 mn, while another land in the wife’s name is worth around Nu 4.24 mn in Phuentsholing.

The DPT president’s two plots of paddy land in Punakha in his wife and son’s name are worth a total of around Nu 28.42 mn.

Two plots of land in Bumthang in the name of his two children are worth around Nu 20 mn.

Most of the DPT’s president and his family’s lands have either been inherited or bought prior to 2008.

The DPT president has inherited Kutens worth around Nu 10 mn and silverware and furniture around Nu 5 mn. His wife and daughter have jewelry worth around Nu 25 mn in total.

The DPT president and his family have declared a land cruiser, a prado, a Mercedes (SUV) and a Chevrolet  with the total worth  of around Nu 8 mn. Except for the Chevrolet, the rest have been given as soleras.

He and his wife have around Nu 1 mn in market value worth of shares in companies like RICBL, Bhutan Board, and S.D Eastern.

In terms of income, the DPT president, in the last one year, has given his income as Nu 10.94 mn. His wife’s rental income is Nu 360,000, his daughter’s income is Nu 146,000 and that of his son is Nu 600,000.

The DPT president and his family do not have any loans with any of the financial institutions. It is interesting to note that the DPT president and his family do not have any deposits in the bank either.


PDP president’s assets 

Compared to the DPT president, the PDP president has lesser assets, but the PDP president is also fairly comfortable in terms of assets. He and his family, though having less land, have better savings then the DPT president and his family.

The PDP president and his family’s main assets like that of the DPT president is mainly land holdings and is not very different from 2008, but has increased in value due to increase in land value.

The PDP president has land in Taba worth Nu 7 mn, his wife has Nu 2 mn plot also in Taba, and another Nu 800,000 plot in Gelephu.

His wife has a Nu 200,000 worth Alto Car and a Nu 1.7 mn worth Honda CRV.

The PDP president has Nu 2 mn in savings in the BoB from sale of property, and 150,000 in savings in BNB. His wife has savings of Nu 1.6 mn in BNB. His daughter has savings of Nu 200,000 in BNB and his son has Nu 20,000 in savings in BNB.

His wife’s travel agency Tergo Travels is worth around Nu 100,000.

Tshering Tobgay’s income in the last one year is Nu 1.4 mn and his wife’s income is Nu 300,000.

He has an outstanding loan of Nu 1.6 mn for buying a car.

Tenzing Lamsang/ Thimphu

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One comment

  1. If i had asset of DPT president i would have retired myself to a temple and chant mani and engross myself in prayers all the time.

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