ACC enhancing NIA

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is currently working on enhancement of methodology for the 4th National Integrity Assessment (NIA).

The major enhancement in the methodology is the inclusion of a module on Ethical Leadership in the Internal Integrity Component of the assessment. Ethical competence of the Leaders are crucial for fostering an enabling environment that promotes ethics, integrity and anti-corruption in an agency.

The ACC is currently pilot testing the instruments including this new module on ethical leadership.

Researchers in three teams started the pilot testing since February 17th, 2019 and is expected to cover all the targeted 134 Gewogs in 20 Dzongkhags by 15th April, 2019. The pilot test of questionnaires are being carried out with the emphasis on administration and finance services of Gewogs.

The exercise is also expected to provide feedback for strengthening the systems at local government level to minimize risks of corruption.

NIA is one of the important anti-corruption instruments to measure the level of integrity of an agency/organization.

The national integrity score as per the NIA 2016 is 7.95 on a scale of 0-10.

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