ACC to focus on advocacy of LG Leaders to prevent corruption cases

In the past two years (2020-2021), Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has completed four cases of corruption practices involving Local Leaders. Allegations of embezzlement, fabrication of documents, illegal transactions or land encroachment and abuse of function were made against the defendants.

Given the involvements of LG leaders in the corruption practices, ACC is taking the initiative to bring anti-corruption advocacy and awarness to the LG leader.

An official from ACC said that initially they had a comprehensive planning with RIM to have sessions conducted with all 205 LG leaders on corruption practice. However, it seems it would be difficult for it to happen given the pandemic situation in the country.

ACC Commissioner Jamtsho said that this is all about the accountability, and one basic thing being their greed and mindset, wherein they do not have high regard for the rule of law.

He said, “One probable cause of their involvement could be because the corruption cases are taking too long in prosecution and rendering  justice.”

And the place they work, they find some loopholes and weaknesses of the staff working under them and they have an upper hand in making most of the decisions at gewog level. So, this could be one factor to it, he added.

Knowing the issues, he said, “We take every opportunities to advocate the LG leaders on the corruption, and the orientation this time is bit different as the leaders should be asked to provide their integrity pledges.”

He further added that they are not able to hire a competent professional and have long term course as their HR Department is under RCSC, but now that the issue is being discussed in the Parliament, things might improve. That way, ACC might be able to address some issues, he added.

Citing few cases, Dangchu Gup Pemba was alleged for the offence of commission amounting to abuse of functions, thereby ACC started the investigation with the fact that there was enough evidence.

Gup Pemba allegedly awarded the work to his relatives for the construction of Saphugang Lhakhang and involved in the work for developing Gewog Archery Ground instead of awarding as community contract, and he also has misused Dophu’s subsidized rural timber permit in Dangchu Gewog, Wangduephodrang.

Likewise, Shengana-Bjemi Gup was alleged for misusing his power. ACC has shared that during the National Cadastral Resurvey Program (NCRP), 2011, Gup Samten Phuntsho, allegedly abused his authority to encroach on government land and registered it in his wife Passang Wangmo’s name.

 The ACC’s investigation established that there is sufficient and satisfactory evidence to prosecute the case, which was forwarded to the Office of the Attorney General (OAG). OAG registered the case charging Samten Phuntsho for the official misconduct, his wife Passang Wangmo for encroachment on State land, Gelong Passang Dorji and Jigme Tenzin for aiding and abetting for encroachment of State land.

However, there are cases, wherein due to lack of evidence, were dropped from further investigation.

ACC has dropped a case against the Genye Gup for alleged illegal land transaction. He allegedly acquired 74 decimals land as substitute at Bama by means of deceptive practice in exchange for the 2 plots affected by the flood in 2009 with the plot area of 27 decimals at Zamtochuyedampa and 47 decimals at Lhakhang Thangka in Thimphu.

ACC, however, during the course of investigation couldn’t find any compelling evidence to incriminate and charge and therefore, they dropped the allegation against the Gup.

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