ACC’s mode of operation questioned by NA MPs

The Anti-corruption Commission (ACC)’s approach and manner to investigation of cases was deliberated at length in the National Assembly (NA).

The Drametse-Ngatshang MP Ugyen Wangdi said from what he has gathered from the victims they felt that ACC investigations are not based on free and fair manner.

MP Ugyen Wangdi said “a person involved in corruption should be treated innocent until proven guilty”.

The Punakha MP Tshering Penjore said a person is proven guilty only after appearing in the court of law. He said “until then they have constitutional rights and he/she has should be treated with respect”.

The Opposition Leader (OL) Tshering Tobgay in support of the ACC said that ACC also has rights but while investigating on cases, they should make sure they do not violate any laws.

“ACC achieving their motto of zero tolerance by violating the law is not acceptable and if the law is not violated, then I would say the work of ACC would be like that only,” he said.

MP Damcho Dorji who felt that ACC investigations are suppressed when it involved ‘high-profile’ said during the period of investigation, people are put into prison which is not lawful.

He said this was public opinion and hoped the commission takes note of it.

The discussions on ACC also revolved around the lack of human resources in the commission due to which investigations were prolonged.

At present ACC has 68 staffs and still requires 123 additional staffs. 

Shortage of manpower is not only faced by ACC, in fact I feel it is faced in every ministries, organizations and agencies, says Economic Affairs Minister Khandu Wangchuk.

He said if we keep on waiting, we won’t be able to complete the task. Instead it is important to make use of current staffs.

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One comment

  1. Shortage of man power is the silly excuse ACC always make, and that is also the core reason with ACC. Why they were un able to complete the investigation.
    I totally agree with MP Damcho Dorji, I as a citizen also feel that Gyelposhing land investigation Report is being suppressed as It involved PM and other Ministers. And one should not forget that JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED.

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