After three convictions and no hope Home Minister quits

The biggest political liability of the current government was the Home Minister Dasho Sherub Gyeltshen who had been convicted three times by the District Court, High Court and a larger bench of the High Court for insurance fraud of Nu 226,546.

Despite a running court case and convictions, the minister did not step down from his post over the last few years.

This contrasted with the DNT’s own past record when it had criticized the former government even though its foreign minister had stepped down despite not being convicted.

In a bid to make a virtue of a much delayed and expected resignation, the Prime Minister’s Office issued a press release that made much of the resignation.

The PMO said that in a ‘solemn moment’, Lyonpo Dasho Sherub Gyeltshen made his final call on to the Prime Minister, as he formally departed from the responsibilities as the minister of Home and Cultural Affairs.

The PMO said that attending the significant process were the Cabinet ministers, colleagues from the Ministry and the party.

In keeping with the rules of procedures, Lyonpo also resigned as the Member of Parliament at the office of the Speaker of National Assembly in presence of Opposition Leader and members of the Parliament.

Lyonchhen in another post on the PMO Facebook page said, “My colleague, home minister Dasho Sherub Gyeltshen resigned from the government today, and as he did, he left behind an important lesson. It is one thing to be endowed with spiritual values and modern education but quite another to be actually practicing those qualities. And when you do that, the combination yields a power and strength that defy all worldly concepts.”

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