Agricultural economy, roads and water bother candidates in Tsirang

Tsirang dzongkhag has two constituency which has four candidates.

Sergithang, Tsirang Toed constituency, Tsirang has Gopal Thapa representing the Bhutan Tendrel Party (BTP) and Lhakpa Tshering Tamang representing the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Kilkhorthang, Mendrelgang constituency voters can choose between PDP’s candidate Kamal Bdr Gurung and BTP’s candidate Dhan Bdr Tamang.

BTP’s candidate, Gopal Thapa, identified issues such as drinking and irrigation water shortages, labour shortage, bridges missing in strategic places and loan availability issues for small businesses group.

He believes that people would vote for him since his agenda cover the above issues. He stated that he has seniority, experience and qualification on his side. Thapa said he has worked at the grassroots level, which has helped him to know the issues firsthand, and people have trust in him.

PDP’s candidate Lhakpa Tshering Tamang highlighted that the main issues in his constituency are the lack of facilities in the central schools, improper road maintenance, inadequate health facilities, lack of loan for farmers, absence of bridges and water in many areas.

He asserted that people should vote for him since PDP has a proven track record of fulfilling all their manifesto pledges, and emphasized the need for a party that can boost the country’s economy and uplift Bhutan.

Kamal Bdr Gurung from Kilkhorthang, Mendrelgang constituency shared that Tsirang consist of 12 gewogs with a population size of over twenty-five thousand, and they have several issues concerning rural development and rural economy.

He stated that one of the main issue that needs to be addressed is the shortage of reliable drinking and irrigation water.

He said agriculture, hydropower, tourism and small-scale industries largely depends on water resources so it is imperative to solve the shortage issue. Preservation of water sources, catchment area protection and recharging of lakes is clearly a necessity to protect downstream ecology and to meet growing water supply demand, he added.

Another issue facing the constituency is poor agriculture produce marketing. Gurung said Tsirang is famous for its fresh varieties of vegetables, but the farmers are not able to market these products and also unable to store them as there are no cold storage facilities.

He believes that his experience as a project manager, National Council member, and chairman of a farmer’s group, coupled with his commitment to developing Tsirang, make him the right candidate to address these issues and secure the votes of the people.

Dhan Bdr Tamang from Kilkhorthang, Mendrelgang constituency shared that in his constituency the main issues are poorly maintained road, scarcity of drinking and irrigation water and the difficulties in public service delivery.

He emphasizes the need to streamline the approval process for constructing houses, toilets, and animal sheds, as it causes unnecessary inconvenience for the people.

He shared that people should vote for him since he has always wanted to deliver people’s needs, and he does not care about any entitlement or power, but to help those in need.

He also said that with his 25 years of experience in the education sector, including serving as a teacher and principal, he believes that his dedication to serving those in need, and his sense of accountability will resonate with the voters and he would secure their vote.

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