Facilitators of private ECCD centers attending ECCD basid training in Paro

All ECCD centers must have at least 25 percent of trained facilitators

The ECCD and SEN Division in the Ministry of Education (MoE) trained 20 private Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) facilitators to ensure more stringent adherence to rules regarding the trained facilitators of the private ECCD centers in the country.

The training aims to help the facilitators to be equipped with the skills, knowledge and values so they are confident to deal with children’s development.

The facilitators were shown how young children learn and what approaches can be use in facilitating learning in the ECCD centers, how to organize and set up the learning environment to ensure that children are safe and learning optimally.

They were also made aware on how to help children learn behaviors and habits related to good health and nutrition and how to collaborate with families/ parents and draw from their parenting practices as well as help them improve child care and parenting practices at home, so as to make sure that the child’s environment in the center and at home are consistent and supportive for their optimal development.

The assessment or monitoring of quality in ECCD centers is carried out using the Quality Monitoring Tool (QMTEC), which is used by focal persons in parent schools of ECCD centers.

MoE has made it mandatory that at least 25 percent of the workforce within the ECCD centers should be trained for now, and eventually make it to 100 percent in the future. The turnout for any training regarding ECCD has always been low. Since the ECCD centers are private owned and most of the facilitators leave their job and go for better one, this is why facilitators in private centers are not trained.

Meanwhile, there are approximately 500 government ECCD centers in the country. Thimphu Thromde has four government ECCD centers.

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One comment

  1. If a private centers could pay the trained facilitator at least 10,000 a month. We the trained facilitator would be very grateful.

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