A second stabbing case was reported to the Thimphu police in a week. On 30 June at around 2:37 pm, Thimphu police received a complaint from the hospital saying that a 19 years old man was brought to the hospital by his friend after being stabbed.
The incident took place near Druk School and the victim is a class XII Arts student of Rinchen Higher Secondary School. The victim sustained two minor stabs on his back.
Police said that, according to the victim’s friend, they met a group of people consisting of five to six people and with no reason, they started chasing them. One of them stabbed the victim, and fled from the scene.
During their course of investigation, the police learned that the person who stabbed the victim had covered his face with a mask. However, police have identified two people and are rounding them up.
The two groups which is the suspect’s group and the victim’s group were unknown to each other. Police are investigating the case and are looking for the other suspects.