Attempted ‘night hunting’ results in the murder of a 54-year-old mother in Lhuentse

In a shocking incident that occurred in Goling, Kurtoe, Lhuentse on 23 February 2024, it is alleged that a 25-year-old man killed a 54-year-old married woman.

The incident occurred between 9:30 pm to 1 am the following day, when the suspect allegedly went to the victim’s residence, with the intention to have sex with her. However, the woman refused to have sex with the man, and a heated argument broke out between them, and the argument escalated to a fight. The suspect is accused of repeatedly punching and kicking the woman to death in a brutal assault. The suspect, after killing the woman, fled the scene.

The medical team inspecting the body of the victim confirmed the injuries, such as the facial structure around the nose and eyes were all bruised and disfigured.

The suspect has confessed to going for ‘night hunting’ upon interrogation.

Though the suspect and victim were from the same village, it was learnt that they were total strangers.

It was known that the victim was staying together with her husband and children, however, the husband and children were away in Thimphu for medical checkup. The woman was alone at the time of incident.

It is alleged that the suspect had knowledge that the woman was alone at the time. Under the influence of alcohol, he decided to try ‘night hunting’, though they were strangers.

‘Night hunting’ explained simply is an arcane practice of men roaming around at night to have sex with sleeping or vulnerable women, often against their will, and is akin to rape.

After the incident, the suspect firstly reached the Tshogpa’s residence and claimed that he was beaten by a group of men. They believed him and took him to the BHU.

Eventually, the deceased’s neighbor who was staying above her residence, informed the Tshogpa about the case.

9 am, was the usual morning time when the deceased would feed her cattle, but the neighbor noticed that her cattle were not fed. With a doubt that maybe there was no one in the house or that she might have left for somewhere else the neighbor along with another close by neighbor decided to check on her, and a few meters before reaching her field, they called out to her by shouting out her nickname. Getting no response, the two neighbors approached her house, only to find the dead body of the woman outside.

Initially, they thought that a wild animal, such as a leopard, might have killed her. They then called the Tshogpa, and after reaching the scene and further examining the body, he concluded that her death was not caused by a wild animal.

The Tshogpa then reported the incident to the Lhuentse Police Station (PS) at around 12 pm. The PS is located almost 2 hours away from the village.

Upon arrival of the investigation team along with the medical team at the scene, it was found that 54-year-old was found dead in a paddy field near her house in flat position and she had suffered several blunt traumas.

It was identified that the nearest neighbor was about 200 m away from her residence.

After interrogating and tracking out from the BHU about anyone visiting with any suspicious injuries, the investigation team came to know that on the night of the incident, the suspect went to the BHU as he had also suffered several injuries. This linked up with the alleged fight which broke out between the suspect and the victim.

At that point, the police verified with the Tshogpa and others, where the suspect was at the time of the incident. It was discovered that the suspect at around 1 am came to Tshogpa’s residence drenched in blood and had cut marks.

The villagers then mentioned that they suspected that since the suspect was drunk, he might have fallen somewhere. After taking the suspect to BHU, he received treatment and went home. Since the investigation were all pointing towards the suspect, the police team arrested him from his residence for further interrogation.

It was discovered that during the day time, the suspect was working as a helper in a field with the Tshogpa along with a group of men. After the completion of the work towards evening, they drank alcohol as refreshment.

For the night halt, they decided to stay at the Tshogpa’s residence. However, while others decided to stay, the suspect said that he wanted to go back home.

After he left the Tshogpa’s residence, he was not seen by them.

Rather than heading home, it is alleged that he decided to visit the woman’s residence.

The case is still under investigation, and the RBP is waiting for further medical reports to strengthen their case. The results would show if there was attempted rape also.

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