According to the ranking on corruption released by the transparency international, Bhutan has scored a total point of 65 points and ranks as the 27th “cleanest” country among 168 countries.
The Corruption Perceptions Index measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption worldwide as stated in the transparency international.
Bhutan has climbed up on the CPI rankings since it was included in 2009. In 2014, Bhutan was ranked 30th out of 175 countries. Whereas for 2015 it is ranked 27th among 168 countries.
The Anti Corruption Commission of Bhutan and its hard work in promoting a culture of integrity in various institutions and prevent misconducts have been well perceived. The review report conducted last year have identified gaps and recommended ways to improve integrity in institutions based on international good practices. It was suggested that Bhutan should maintain its momentum which would be a critical step towards a corruption free nation.
Among the south Asian countries, India and Thailand is ranked at 76, Sri Lank at 83, Pakistan at 117, Nepal at 130 and Afghanistan at 166. Transparency international states that the poor scores for such countries is a sign of widespread bribery, lack of punishment for corruption and public institutions that doesn’t respond to citizens needs.
There are many devastation fueled by corruption among which human and drug trafficking, child mortality, poor education and environmental destruction are included. The report also states that “Public sector corruption is so much more than missing money; it is about people’s lives.”
The top five cleanest countries for 2015 by CPI ranking are Denmark, Finland, Sweden, New Zealand and Netherlands. Denmark has been holding the position for two consecutive years with a score of 91 out of 100.