BOIC approves 998 projects so far with most in Agriculture

Business Opportunity and Information Center (BOIC) approved 998 projects of which BOIC has approved 711 for agriculture, 200 in dairy, 60 are in poultry, 10 for piggery, one for fishery, and 16 for others which includes manufacturing.

BOIC, Deputy Director Tandin Wangchuk said that BOIC was on track as 98% of the 2014 Performance Agreement of BOIC was achieved.

The Prime Minister did a mid-year review of the annual performance agreement with BOIC CEO and his team. The PM said that BOIC

had cleared Nu 252 million worth of projects and created about 1,500 jobs. More importantly, they had completed most of their institution building work.

Tandin said as of March 173 projects are operational on ground under RF-I and II combined.

As of now BOIC has disbursed Nu.51 mn by for approved projects or ongoing projects. The money is released phase wise as per the progress of the work plan.

The highest number of application from Paro dzongkhag for project proposals for funding followed closely by Mongar Dzongkhag. As expected

the least applications were received from the thinly populated Gasa dzongkhag.

Tandin Wangchuk said, “Lead by our CEO, we went to all the Dzongkhags and talked with dzongdas, sectoral heads and gups regarding the services of the BOIC.”

BOIC did a brief preliminary analysis on the type of applications being received and looked at the dzongkhags in terms of where they stand as far as poverty mapping is concerned. This was shared with dzongdas.

Tandin said that so far the sensitization program was focused on BOIC services like what type of funds are there, the eligibility for Revolving Funds I and II, interest rate, procedure to get service and what are the and terms and conditions.

“Now it looks like many people are aware of BOIC services and terms and conditions. Now the next sensitization program is what to do once the project is approved” he added.

According to BOIC, 447 applications were received from Paro Dzongkhag, 462 applications from Mongar and the least from Gasa with only seven applications received



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