Bore wells to solve drinking water shortage in Gelephu

The residents in Gelephu have been facing drinking water shortage for quite a while now. Most of the residents have been appealing to the Gelephu Thromde to solve the water shortage. Therefore, the thromde has decided to construct three bore wells to supply water to the residents.

The officials at Gelephu Thromde explained that the water supply has been affected due to the surface water source drying up and the decreasing ground water table as well.

According to the official with the Gelephu Thromde, the water testing has been done and the bore wells are to be constructed soon and become operational to supply drinking water.

Some parts of Gelephu have been experiencing water shortage for almost four months.

The thromde has the responsibility to cater to the needs of the ever increasing number of houses, hotels, restaurants, and construction sites in Gelephu.

The two water sources located in Mao Khola and Lodrai can be tapped as a seasonal supply only.

A bar and grocery shop owner, Thinley Wangmo, said cleaning and maintaining sanitation and hygiene is hard without water. She added that her backyard kitchen garden has dried up due to no water supply for two weeks.

A few restaurant owners shared that there is no water to properly wash the dishes, spoons and cups, and so they just give it a quick rinse without soap.

According to Karma Tenzin, a shopkeeper, many households do not get enough supply of water for household needs.

He said that the residents are happy to know that the thromde is looking for ways to solve the drinking water shortage.

“I hope that the residents will not undergo drinking water problems after the completion of the three bore wells,” Karma said.

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