The candidates of the Bhutan Tendrel Party (BTP) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP), vying for the two seats in Paro in the upcoming General Election, have brought light to the issues faced by the people in the two constituencies, Dogar Shabha and Lamgong Wangchang.
BTP’s candidate from Dogar Shabha constituency, Jigme, focused on the challenges faced by farmers in marketing their agricultural products and stated his dissatisfaction with the prices they receive.
He also highlighted the issues related to irrigation and drinking water shortages.
He said, “People should vote for me since I have served in BPC for 17 years, basically in service delivery. I have dealt with customers, and in my birth place Paro, I have served for 9 years. I am well versed with the in and out of my constituency. Also, by age, it is right time for me to participate now. I can serve the people well since I am well aware of people’s issues and I can deliver them what they need.”
PDP’s candidate from Dogar Shabha constituency, Gem Tshering, highlighted that his constituency is dependent on agricultural and dairy for their income. Therefore, he said there is need for improved irrigation water, access to farm machinery, better loan facilities for farm development, and the availability of chain link fencing.
He emphasized on the urgency of addressing water problems for both drinking and farming purposes. Additionally, the blacktopping of roads and improvement of farm roads for better service delivery are also of key concerns to him.
He shared that people should vote for him since he has had a vast work experience at different levels of leadership roles.
“For 36 years, I worked in civil service and corporate services. I have resigned from the post of Managing Director, Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC) to join politics, to serve the people and the King. With this experience and maturity in hand, I believe the people of Dogar-Shabha will definitely vote for me,” Gem Tshering said.
BTP candidate from Lamgong Wangchang constituency, Kunzang Dorji, acknowledged the rapid development and increasing emphasis on the tourism industry in Paro. However, he highlighted the need for improved basic amenities such as drinking water and irrigation, as well as better mobile phone connectivity.
He shared that since his vision aligns with the BTP’s mission to transform Bhutan into a self-reliant and economically progressive nation making him the ideal choice for voters.
PDP’s candidate from Lamgong Wangchang constituency, Sonam Tashi, expressed concern over the lack of tourists in the area, resulting in a surplus of hotels and unemployment.
He pointed out the challenges faced by farmers due to insufficient subsidies, lack of farm machinery, and delays in harvesting. Also, the highlanders’ issues of not getting subsidized helicopter service.
Access to credit for construction and starting businesses is another pressing issue.
He shared people would vote for him as they trustt PDP party’s strength, past track record, president’s potential and by the strength of their present manifesto.