As it goes, the nation is in a precarious state of economic downturn due to the former ruling party Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT). But, if the nation is in a state of financial crisis due to the former government, where would the helicopter-pledging, bolero jeep-promising People’s Democratic Party (PDP) get the money to fulfill such promises.
This was a salient feature of the public debates in Samtse between the DPT candidate Lila Pradhan and PDP candidate M.K Chhetri in the Ugyentse-Yoeseltse constituency on June 17.
Other than this spice of conversation, rest of the evening was on general interpretation of ideologies, party pledges from the respective manifestoes.
The question and answer round between the candidates caught the interest of the audience who came to support their choice of candidates, or to just witness the debate.
There was also a question and answer round between the public and the candidates, where the two candidates responded to the questions from the floor to clear the doubts of the public.
Lila Pradhan mainly talked about the manifestos of the DPT party saying that if the party wins again in the general round the party will look at the areas of problem and continue the incomplete works.
“There will be no problems ahead in the gewog and the party will provide some new farm roads in the gewog,” said the DPT candidate.
PDP’s M.K Chhetri explained his party manifesto saying if this time, PDP gets the chance to form the government then the party will solve the infrastructures problem of each gewogs. His pledges include providing power tillers to the rural lot, two helicopters for the government mainly for the rescue and relief work, and support for women and the youth.
Further, the PDP candidate pledged that there will be good medical facilities in each gewog provided with two doctors, one specialist, and two ambulances.
“There won’t be any problem for the youth based on their further studies because the party will be opening a new study loan for poor children,” said M.K Chhetri.
And the punch-line to his pledges was the party’s bold promise to solve the Rupee Crisis because of which ‘many people are suffering’.
Sonam Wangmo / Thimphu
Many supporters mentioned we should vote for the best candidate. Now what is meant by best candidate. Too me best candidate means he/she should be able to read excellent, pronounce properly, explain the gist succintly with ease, answer any questions of the public confidently.
Now what happned is that Leelapradhan perforemed very badly though she has 5 years experience in governance. She was not able to read properly even the prepared text in her front, lot of faltering in between, poor pronounciation & unable to comprehend the meaning properly. In QA session too her performance was not upto mark. Can we vote such person to the highest post?
Again Rubeca gurung was much worse than Leepapradhan. Voters please conisder this issue in mind 1000 times before vote.
Let us vote for the efficient. Compared to these 2, PDP candidates performed very well. We should vote such people & I am sure they will not let us down.
Further DPT supportsers say PDP’s proposals of 2 helicopeters, 1 bolero each per gewog, Nu20ml per constituency etc is ambitious & is a lie to people as they cannot implement. I want to ask how can DPT implement as it wants to provide 100ml per gewog as said by Dagana candidate. Compared to PDP’s 20ml lie, that is 5times more lies by DPT.