Cat fish or Hoax?

A section of people under the lango gewog in Paro have claimed to have seen a fish which is more than 90 kilos. The first sighting was reported by a villager Phurba who was mesmerized by its sheer size and the condition of the surrounding it was thriving on.

Following him a number of people have also seen the fish. Although scientifically it is possible to spot monster fishes in rivers of Bhutan as a species called cat fishes are known to be able to thrive in any sort of fresh water conditions and are also known to grow almost two meters and could weigh up to a 100 kilos.

However villagers in the Lango village are quite skeptical about the scientific reasoning and rather more inclined toward the belief that the fish is some sort of a deity or a tshomem (mermaid).

As rumors spread and curiosity grows about the story, people outside and around the gewog pour into the area to get a glimpse of the so called tsho mem.

Even the local authorities of the gewog including the gup were seen at the area to confirm what creature lurks beneath the whirlpool just about 200meters down the river from the gup’s office in Lango.

However if there really is a 100 kilo cat fish lurking in the Paro river, then although the species can survive in any fresh water conditions, there aren’t many prey items of that sort in the Pachu which could possibly sustain a fish of that size.

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