Constitution Kuthangs consecrated to celebrate 60th Birth Anniversary

Her Majesty Gyalyum Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck accompanied by Her Royal Highness, Ashi Sonam Dechan Wangchuck consecrated the Constitution’s Kuthangs at Supreme Court of Bhutan on 4th of November and was.

As the nation celebrates the 60th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the Fourth King, the Kuthang shows His Majesty’s 34 years of Reign and 34 Articles of the Constitution developed as a symbolic reflection and representation of principles derived from the Buddhist scriptures and important provisions and principles of the Constitution.

An explanatory commentary of the Kuthang will be produced gradually.

His Majesty the Great Fourth Jigme Singye Wangchuck has selflessly endowed Bhutan with numerous extraordinarily distinguished temporal and secular legacies during his 34 years of glorious reign.

One of the principal objectives is to enable the people who are not legally literate and most importantly the future generations to instantly understand, appreciate and grasp the meaning and significance of the provisions of the constitution merely by seeing the Kuthang.

It is also hoped that the Kuthangs become one of the conditions to inspire future generation in the development of peace, tranquility and stability in the present and future so that Bhutan remains independent and sovereign in all times to come.

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