Photo Courtesy: Down Under Visa

Consultancies state the reasons behind higher visa refusals

Many people across the country are talking about how education consultancy companies are getting a lot of Australian visa refusals for diploma courses.

To determine if the assertion was factual or false, The Bhutanese talked about the matter with a few education consultancy companies in the country.

According to the Chairman of the Association of Bhutanese Education Consultancies and also the Head of Operation of Chhundu Enterprises ECPF- Global Reach, Palden Tshering, there are three basic reasons for visa refusals.

One is failure on their part, as education consultants, to correctly inform and guide the students effectively, second is students looking for the easy way out and not taking the time to strengthen their student profile, and thirdly students are not writing their own Statement of Purpose.

He said that cut and paste SOPs are also getting cut and paste visa refusals.

He stated that the increase in visa refusals is not the government’s fault, it’s not the Australian government’s fault, and it’s not the banks fault either. 

“We have a responsibility to help and assist. High visa refusals for Bhutan means collectively our industry is not doing enough to help, we need to be better. Visa refusals are always generic, it will never state the exact reason, but give a number of general reasons. Financials being weak, not enough evidence to support your return to your home country, and that the applicant has failed to meet the Genuine Temporary Entry requirements,” he said.

Ugyen Pee Education Consultancy proprietor, Ugyen Phuntsho, said that the consultancy has discontinued accepting applications for couples applying for diploma courses.

“If a couple applies for diploma courses, the visa is denied. However, if an individual with excellent IELTS and a high percentage of graduation marks applies, the visa is being granted. So, we only take those who are not going with dependents for such courses,” he said.

The consultancy firm had six visa refusals in October. However, for individuals with a percentage of more than 65, and an IELTS score of at least 6 and not less than 6 in each band, their visas are granted.

According to Director of Education Pro, Tshering Nidup, the consultancy only got visa refusals for individuals who applied for diploma courses.

He said that typically, the Australian government follows a system in which they try to balance the numbers.

“Currently, the Australian government received around 70 percent of diploma applicants and approximately 25 percent of higher education applicants. As a result, they must also strike a balance, which is why visas are being refused,” he said.

In August alone, there were roughly 9 visa refusals received by the consultancy. As a result, the consultancy has completely stopped accepting diploma course applications.

 “We also do not want to intentionally put them in trouble, thus, we have advised those applying for diplomas to withdraw,” he said.

Yeshi Penjor from Bhutan Gangchen Education Consultancy also stated that they have received visa refusals for diploma candidates, but they are not sure about the reasons.

“We have been notified that the capacity for diploma candidates has been exceeded, and that seats are now being offered to offshore applicants, and that international applications are no longer accepted,” he said.

According to Yeshi, it is not only Bhutan being denied such visas, but India, Nepal, and Bangladesh have also been denied visas.

“They had previously supported Bhutanese applications, but are no longer accepting them,” he said.

The consultancy has received 5 visa refusals so far in September. “The visa was granted until 26 August. After that, the visas began to be refused for the reasons stated above,” he added.

Diploma courses are cheaper than Masters Courses in Australia.

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One comment

  1. I’m applying for diploma will it be refused for visa

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