DCT on a mission to bring glory to Bhutan

new dct bwGetting into the political fray was one arduous journey, remarked Druk Chirwang Tshogpa (DCT) members. It had been an uphill battle but now DCT feels they can start their mission to ‘glorify Bhutan’.

“Words will be weighed; actions shall be tested. Glory for Bhutan is but working towards common good through love and compassion, support and instilling oneness,” defines DCT- the fourth party that recently registered with the Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB).

“As a woman I understand more about them and most of the social issues are related to women at large. It is empowering the women and youth that we can really work towards glorifying Bhutan,” said Lily Wangchuk, the interim president of DCT.

She told the press that it was her ‘near-death experience’ that made her realize many things about life and forming a party that can work toward the happiness of all and not for ‘money or power’.

The building blocks for the DCT mission is to put in place a concrete policy for both women and youth. The party stated it was never that women and youth are minorities or the government failed youth and women, it was mainly to ‘empower them, as women and youth are the real agents of change in the society’.

“I had been working closely with rural people in the past and I have learnt so many social issues that got little heed from anywhere, it is about women in rural area – we will focus on them since I already know the problems,” the DCT interim president said.

“The DCT believes that glory for Bhutan is when our sisters are strong and in positions of authority. We believe that glory for Bhutan is when our brothers support and work for the betterment of all our sisters. Glory for Bhutan is when our youth is actively involved and has gainful work so they become influential thinkers, economists, musicians, sportspeople, cinema artists, politicians, journalists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, members of Civil Society – and above all great men and women.”

The DCT president said nothing would deter DCT to make it and they would stand their ground religiously.

“I will not move to any party, rather I will nurture it all I can for posterity and the members are very committed, so I think we will always be there as a political party helping the people and other parties.”

DCT calls its registration as a legal political party with ECB a ‘historic moment’ and remains humbled and privileged. The party dedicated its first successful endeavor to all the citizens of Bhutan.

Some party watchers say that DCT is a little different from many of the other parties, the first being ‘a woman leading the party’.

Meanwhile, a harmonious precedence for democracy is set by the leader of the opposition party, Tshering Tobgay who offered congratulatory scarves to both the parties that were legally registered with the ECB.

He told The Bhutanese that now the people of Bhutan have ‘more choices, more political choices’.

“BKP expresses its heartfelt congratulations to DCT as another political party, that only speaks of young democracy in Bhutan being pluralistic. BKP also expresses confidence in an institution like ECB in its impartial duty as noticed by all Bhutanese citizens which resulted in a large voter turnout in Bhutan,” said interim President of BKP, Sonam Tobgay.

DCT told the press conference it has no youth or women wing or any of its kind but has formed seven working committees.

The seven working committees are: Candidate Selection, Membership Registration, Media & Public Relations, Dzongkhag/Gewog Coordination, Research and Development, Women & Youth, and Planning & Program.


Puran Gurung / Thimphu

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  1. Mr, Megharaj is mild and strong in character has strong determination and can bosst the Bhutanese education he will better man in education

  2. Good luck in your mission to glorify Bhutan, whatever that may mean.

    • About Lily Wangchuk: I like this Party…
      Born on 15 October, 1972, Lily Wangchuk is the daughter of Aum Kinlay Wangmo from Trashigang and Late Sangay Wangchuk from Thimphu. She comes from a noble family with her family’s ancestry tracing directly back to Zhabdrung Choley Namgyel from Nindukha, Dagana; Zhabdrung Jigme Chogyal of Drametse Choeje and Sangdag, the youngest son of Terton Pema Lingpa. She is the great grand daughter of Droenyer Ugen Dorji, the first Zhung Kalyon who made valuable contributions towards unification of Bhutan under His Majesty Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck whom he served for over 60 years. Her grandfather Daga Penlop Rinzin Dorji who was the last Daga Penlop also played an important role in Bhutanese history under His Majesty the Second and Third King.

      Lily Wangchuk has submitted her resignation as the first Executive Director of BMF. She earlier served as Assistant Resident Representative of UNDP Bhutan and as Bhutanese diplomat for over 12 years. She also rendered her professional services as a consultant in the area of democratic governance to both the government and international organizations.

      Lily Wangchuk has over 18 years of extensive experience in governance, diplomacy, international relations, public administration, management, strategy planning and implementation and social issues. Having widely travelled both outside and within the country, she has extensive national, regional and international experience and exposure in democratic governance and varied issues. She has wide knowledge on national policies and varied issues having widely travelled to all 20 Dzongkhags and having worked closely with remote communities.

      She has Masters Degree in Public Policy with specialization in Diplomacy & International Policy Studies from Australian National University, Canberra, Australia; Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights, International Law & Refugee Law, Indian Academy of International Law & Diplomacy, New Delhi, India and Bachelors Honors Degree in Political Science, Miranda College, Delhi University, Delhi, India. She has attended numerous trainings and international conferences in a number of countries. In her personal capacity she has contributed as a member to number of NGOs such as RENEW, Tarayana, BAOWE and supported the education of many young orphans and monks. She is currently working towards establishment of National Cancer Society.

      Besides winning the Lions Club Award for Outstanding Diplomat in promoting good bilateral relations between Bhutan and India in 2003, she has many academic achievements to her credit including the Postgraduate Award: the Presidents of MTTA Bursary in the Public Policy Program, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. She has written number of publications and books on Bhutan and related subjects.

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