DCT takes to the east for campaign

The Druk Chirwang Tshogpa (DCT) candidates are in their respective constituencies and busy campaigning for the fast-approaching primary round of National Assembly elections.

The Khar-Yurung DCT candidate designate Sonam Penjor is in his constituency under Pema Gatshel and he started campaigning from Dungmaed on May 14.

He said his campaign focused on gewogs without electricity, road and water, investment in research and innovation, economic self reliance, women empowerment, preserving culture and traditions, and developing foreign relations,.

He said only some people were familiar with his party in Dungmaed. On May 15 he will move to Chhimoong geog.

There are 24,287 eligible voters in Pemagatshel and Khar-Yurung constituency has five gewogs.

Rinzin Lhamo of Drujeygang-Tseza constituency said she started campaign from Karna gewog which constitutes of six households, and Lagyab under Dagana on May 14.

She said her campaign will mainly focus on democracy, women empowerment, investment in youth, research and innovation, and developing foreign relations.

“In these two gewogs, people are familiar with the DCT and its president,” she said.

Dagana dzongkhag has 21,697 eligible voters and Drujeygang-Tseza constituency has seven gewogs.

Tenzin Jamtsho of Panbang constituency has started campaign from Bjokha gewog under Zhemgang. He said he focused his talks on his party mission, vision, logo, manifesto, ideology and manifesto. On May 15, he will leave for Goshing under Zhemgang.

He said, “In Bjokha gewog people were not familiar with DCT, and so he had to spend some time familiarizing people to his party.”  Common forum starts on  May 16 in his constituency.

There are 16,735 eligible voters in Zhemgang and Panbang has four gewogs.

Tshering Dorji of Thrimshing-Kangpara constituency said he started campaign from Thungkhar-Bedungma chiwog meeting hall on May 14. There were about 30 people, who were mostly old people, gathered in the hall.

His campaign mainly focused on the party ideology, vision, mission, manifesto, and logo.

“In Thungkhar-Bedungma chiwog people were not very familiar with my party and some have no idea of its existence. So I had to introduce my party and familiarize it to the people,” he said.

Trashigang dzongkhag has 44,167 eligible voters and Thrimshing-Kangpara has two gewogs.

The party president Lily Wangchhuk is in Trashigang for public meeting, and she will be in Pemagatshel tomorrow, according to the DCT president tour schedule.

Tshering Dorji / Thimphu

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