DGPC MD declines DNT party President’s post

DNT still hopes to convince the MD as his decision is expected to impact the 2013 race

One of the strongest contenders for the 2013 elections the Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) may have to continue looking for a Party President as their current hopeful, Dasho Chhewang Rinzin, Managing Director of Druk Green Power Corporation (DGPC), has declined the post.

This could be a significant development in the 2013 race as the DGPC MD was not only looked at as a strong Party President material but some potential candidates had promised to join DNT if the MD accepted the Party President’s post. The DNT though already has 33 candidates.

The DNT, however, has not given up hope and has said that they will continue to try and persuade Dasho to take on the post of DNT Party President.

The DGPC MD talking to The Bhutanese said, “They had come to see me around three to four months ago. However, I have always said no to them though they have repeatedly asked me to join.”

Explaining his reason for not joining Dasho said, “Well I think first of all to join you have to be politically inclined to get a feel of politics. I have no such inclinations.”

He also said, “They keep coming back and saying I should join for the good of the people to serve them but I am serving them in the best manner by running the biggest corporation in the most important sector. I can contribute much more effectively as head of DGPC than on the other side.”

He said that hydro power already contributes 20% of the GDP and 40% revenue which would double by 2016-2017 with Punatsangchu, Mangdechu and another 7,000 to 8,000 MW of projects. “I can contribute much as I know what I am doing but when one enters the other side you don’t even know what area you are in and what they are asking you to do, ” he added.

When asked about what would be the impact on other potential candidates who had said they would join if only he did, Dasho said, “I have been told about that the party would be stronger and there are others looking forward to join should I agree to join. I feel overwhelmed that I am considered that good but you cannot take people to task by saying that I will join if only you join. It is not a group but personal choice. At the end of the day one must feel committed.”

Dasho Chhewang Rinzin also dismissed speculations that he had come under pressure from influential people in the government to not join the DNT.

“I think whenever something goes wrong the government is blamed. This is a decision one has to take on their own. Especially in an age like this who is to tell us to join or not join,” he said.

If Dasho Chhewang had decided to contest his constituency is from Samkhar-Kanglung-Ozorong. His potential rival would be the sitting candidate  Lyonpo Minjur Dorji.

Dasho said, “Lyonpo Minjur is one of my best friends and if indeed I am to contest he will say ‘come in and I will go out’. Lyonpo Minjur would be first guy I would to talk to if I had joined. For a person just out of the civil service he has done a good job. The constituency has been happy to have him there.”

The DGPC MD said that already in 2007 he had come under similar pressure to join politics but at that time it was from people in his own village. Further elaborating he said, “As an MP I would not take the job I was already offered in 2007 and as a President I am not for that job as I would not be able to lead them”.

The DGPC, MD may have declined the Party President post for DNT but he said that from among the new parties DNT was, ‘the best rated to do very well’. He said that DNT has good candidates mostly from PDP and all of them have good experience and know what they are getting into.

The DGPC MD also made it clear that he has no future political ambitions.

The DGPC MD headed the Kurichu project from 1994, was the BPC MD in 2003 and became the DGPC MD in 2008. He was awarded the Red Scarf on 17th December, 2009 in recognition for his exemplary services in his field.

DNT Party Spokesperson Norbu Wangchuk said, Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa, had been unequivocally clear right from the beginning that they would not compromise in finding a president who fulfills their criteria.

“After combing high and low, we found such a person in Dasho Chhewang Rinzin – a man of highest integrity, knowledge, wisdom and experience. In him, we also discovered a man who has not only the vision but qualities of leadership that this country of ours requires,” said Norbu Wangchuk.

Therefore, said Norbu the DNT approached Dasho Chhewang to take up the mantle of Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa’s leadership.

“However, understandably, given the timing of our approach and his current position as well as other considerations, he has expressed his inability to accept our offer,” said the spokesperson.

Norbu Wangchuk said that in keeping with the political expediency that they feel in Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa to get a man of immaculate credentials they have never given up hope of getting Dasho Chhewang.

DNT is confident Dasho Chhewang would realize the expediency of political participation to deepen Bhutanese democracy and will therefore at an appropriate juncture decide what, not just Nyamrup Tshogpa, but also the people of Bhutan expect from the likes of him.

According to political observers while DNT has good candidates there is no clear party leader projected compared to the DPT which already has four former ministers.



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  1. Why did the former PDP candidates leave the party and formed DNT? Is it because the current OL is no good leader? Is it because their leadership failed them? And why would DNT keep on persuading a man who has no interest and who is best serving the country now in his current position? Even if he wanted to join politics, he might never join DNT which is a defunct PDP.  

  2. Haha, in what way is this group of traitors the strongest contenders, you mean, just because they are on face book with a hand full of followers, you got to be kidding.

  3. If doctor Tandin is really a dynamic and stable man, he could serve the country in best way as a Pediatrician in Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Hospital than being in the party politics.This people are not to serve the country but to serve their own greed. Dasho Tshewang, it will be great mistake if you join those failed parties

    • Doctor Tandin is still looking after patients from his home and is still practicing his trade  outside the hospital(he is neither paid nor bound to do that)….i feel he and his colleagues might have joined politics to restructure the whole health system of our country since they know our health system in and out…if it was greed which lead them to join politics then i guess people with their qualification will have a decent job outside Bhutan and yet earn more. 

      • Well he did that during last campaign and looks like he started to do it again. I feel that is blackmailing. It is not easy to go outside and earn huge income just because you have got qualification, even otherwise income is not everything. Change of health system? I seriously doubt. 

      • Getting job out side bhutan may be your dream.If you go for looking job in the west, you will land up as cleaner no matter what qualification.He will restructure the health system into mess.That is for sure.

  4. Kinley Yangzoom

    Many of the candidates in DNT are those former PDP candidates. They left PDP because of personality and ego clash. Do you think such candidates will make better MP. We would rather like to see PDP getting stronger and stronger because we believe there can no better politician and better leader than the present PDP president Tshering Topgay. Those former members of PDP who left the party and formed DNT were those that shit on the same plate from where they ate. We cannot trust the integrity of such candidates and surely they will not find a president with integrity and principle because of the way they conduct business. And, now they want to bring someone like Dasho Chewang to save them at the last hour. 

    • If someone who doesn’t have political inclination should not be dragged in simply because of he or she does possess some plus qualities. It is now convinced that DNT also lacks leadership amongst them the candidate who should be competent enough to lead their party. If such a crisis was foreseen why form a party in the first place. Let Dasho Chhewang be where he is and do not disturb his best friend Minjur being a Shingkharp/Bumthap to contest his re-election from their constituency. DNT will not get anyone as their party president capable enough to compete in the next parliamentary elections.

  5. Other possible President for DNT: Dasho Jigme Zangpo, Dasho Pasang Tobgye, Dasho Tshering Dorji, Lyonpo Kinzang Dorji, Daso Pema Thinley, Dasho Dr. Gado Tshering, Dorji Choden Lyonpo Dago Tshering, Dasho Tobgye Dorji of Taj Tashi Hotel, Karma Tshering of RIM, Lyonpo Dr. Jigmi Singye and more could become Chairman. At the worst, if you cannot get one, unite with other parties.. Still if you are not open to this option, you can request Dr. Jagar Dorji or Dr. Dorji Wangchuk/Pema Chopehel or Norbu Wangchuk as the last option

    • But please develop a corruption check software to scan them before they get to join politics. Otherwise, it would be another hefty writings for you and TL. 

  6. DNT is full of people who feel they know every thing. They have those job hoppers. How good they are, just ask colleagues in their former offices.

  7. my gut feeling is, ultimately, DNT will merge with PDP and become a strong contender to DPT. Ultimately, it will be a repeat of 2008 and with change of few candidates here and there.

  8. Ligpa, you are so narrow minded! If everyone stays where they ought to be, where will the leaders come from. You expect Dr. Manmohan Singh to be just an economist and not the PM of India. He is an economist by profession. Like wise, Dr. Jigme Singye, the ex minister for health should not have been a minister at all. How narrow minded Ligpa!!
    If anyone despite of being anywhere, have all the qualities of a leader who has the competency to lead a team, then I dont see any reason why one cannot stand up for the greater cause, for the call of duty.
    DNT all the way!! Knock out DPT!!

  9. I don’t care who is in which party…but I will vote for the competent contestant from my village. 

  10. Its is good that Dasho Chewang realizes his capability. He is currently a right man in right place. Taking him out of hydropower related job will only make him feel out of place. I dont know his history prior to 1994. This limits my understanding of his experience and exposure in areas other than hydropower. It can said that if DNT wins the 2013 election, Dasho would become the PM in which case we are seeing a PM whose knowledge of Bhutan and elsewhere are confined to dams, turbines, trasnmission towers and lines, Megawatt, Kilowatt, and the stuffs……

    • I think its not necessary to comment on your post knowing the fact that Dasho is more than what you and others think. Rather Bhutanese are going to miss him as leader.

      The leaders in Buddhist country like ours has be to compassionate; being the fact Bhutan is in between two giants, leader has to be intellectual. Are we not looking for the leaders with these qualities? Or are we looking for leader who will detect us? Talk of Dasho’s selflessness, intellectual, compassion, anythings that we want in leaders. He is born to be leader. 

      But with our lacking karmic wind, Bhutanese are really going to miss him as leader if not forever, but for five years.

      Hope i am clear myself.. May God bless all Bhutanese..

  11. Dr. Tandin has finished his bond period long before. And he has every right to participate. Beside he is an intelligent man, unlike the present DPT members(bnot all)…that’s is why we have many bad policies. Why PDP lost we all know. DPT will have the same fate. 
    So better new parties come up and give us the choice to vote. Just PDP or DPT is not a choice at all. A new party is necessary, even if the new party has few of old PDP or DPT members, as long as they are not corrupt. Also the current two parties have no proper vision. 

  12. Kinley Yangzoom

    Dasho Chewang is best for his current post and not politics. He has no political experience and background to lead the party and the country. Technical people doesn’t make good politicians. And, moreover, Dasho Chewang will struggle to polish is dzongkha if at all he joins politics because english and sharchop is not spoken in the parliament. So he is best at his position, otherwise, bhutan will have more dams and transmission lines than good governance. 

    • I don’t agree with you when you say that technical people doesn’t make good politicians. Please do not undermine Dasho Chhewang. Who said he can’t speak Dzongkha. He is far far better than Lyonpo Thakur and Nandalal.

      And, I think you still don’t know the importance of hydropower projects in Bhutan. For your kind information 45% of our GDP comes from hydropower sector.

    •  You dont know sharchop comprised of almost 72% of the population and have a greater say.He knows hot to speak Dzongkha better than those current Lyonpo.Mind you because of  Dams and Transmission lines country are getting fat salary and earning a rupee. 

      • Please dont blame ethnic Sharchop (72%)&Ngalop(8%)&rest.Bhutan is standing tall because of sharchop.Party leader will be sharchop otherwise people will not vote for the right person.People are more sensible and knows whom to vote.Only public

  13. Dear Nagpo, i think you not only don’t know the history of Dasho Chhewang prior to 1994, you seem to not know Dasho properly even after 1994 and at present. Dasho Chhewang is an immensely intelligent person with sound knowledge of not only the power sector but also about everything on this earth. Debate with him about the political scenario around the globe, the current affairs or any other important issue of the country and you will feel enlighten with his knowledge about almost everything. As a MD he is person of wisdom, very broadminded, impartial, quick decision making capability, hard worker, understand the problem of poor and needy. Isnt’t it this quality we are looking for in a leader or our future PM?

  14. Having many parties causes choas, best of candidates may fall into different parties- people at grassroot will vote for a competant person or through ‘forced choice’ as it happened in 2008. This may cause other non-best party to win ultimately.
    I am convinced that DNT is a bulk of waste that were plying for candidature in PDP. The ego rose high, they are now assimilating their niece and nephews into party. Ultimately it became clear that Dasho Chewang did not join their party, not because he is incompetant but because it is transparently known that many people who make up the founding members have arrogance larger than themselves, and ego that is detrimental to the party politics.
    Bringing in Lyonpo Minjur’s story labelling him as good at his constituency is almore near to wrong. People back there say ‘ since he is from Bumthang, he works for the betterment of Bumthaps and we are forgotten. He comes to see the progress of his buildings, not us’.

    • dear bhutan 1.0 u said 2088 voting was “forced choice.” I would rather ask u “who forced whom to vote in 2008?” I don’t yhink bhutanese people are not at all tsagay! i am 100% sure we voted for the best and not for the public source suckers!

  15. I could not care less if i am governed by DPT or PDP or any damn party in Bhutan. The life of sorrow and pleasure will go on- no matter what party come to power. I will still be walking, staying in a two room apartment with the rent that i can’t afford, with irregular water supply, buying food and vegetables with inflated price…my life will go on as it is. Politics is a game of cunning people, always wanting more of everything.

  16. Drukpc
    Oh, your MD Dasho Chewang knows everything on this globe- are you saying he is even better than Lord Buddha. Even Lord Buddha confessed that he needs to learn more– please be reasonable man.
    Do not demonstrate your weakness and chamcha giri for him.

    We know him as a little above an intelligent person, he will make a good Technocrat and not a good politician. Sadly he does have the flavour to be a politician as he himself has confessed. I like his honesty, his little bear which perfectly match with his cute personality, though he needs to put on high-heeled shoes. He will shine as a technocrat rather than a politician.

    As a politician he will not be able to see the wide spectrum of the nation than the tunnels, turbines, wires and poles, current of the Kurichu, Mangde chu—why waste his energy and nation’s resources by pulling him into a profession that will utterly make him “misfit”. Just my honest opinion. In his place I will strongly suggest Nidup or his elder brother Jambay although all of them have one common personality in terms of the heights.

    • Come on man, how can Dasho CR be better than Lord Buddha when you are there? You seem to know about everybody and everything. So you are better than Lord Buddha and that what intent to show here. 

  17. DNT should not give up on Dasho Chhewang. I think he is the right candidate for DNT president. His knowledge and experience is not limited to dam, tunnel and powerplant. He is very intelligent and he can speak on any topics. Be it engineering, finance, economics etc etc. He is also very good in decision making. I am sure he will bring a lots of changes to the people of Bhutan. He comes from humble family and he knows the hardship face by the rural people of Bhutan. The middle class people and farmers of Bhutan will be very fortunate and lucky if he joins politics and become PM of Bhutan. So, lets pray and lets us all hope Dasho will change his mind and join politics. We are fed up of old Lyonpos and the same system of government. They have run government enough.

    • First Dasho has to believe in the party he joins, he clearly does not believe in the DNT so, please don’t force him to do something he does not want to do. And why would he join a party formed by a group of people that deserted their parent party, the PDP, do you think Dasho can trust these same people. But, in one way, you are correct, he is way too smart to do such a silly thing.

    • Dasho Chewang, people always praise someone high in the begining and blame after wards for even a little mistake and try to dig out more. The best example with the current ruling party.People are now trying to find edges in an egg not having faith in what the government has done for betterment of we people in such a short time.

  18. It is sad that Dasho Chewang had to be stripped off with everything in here for no fault of his own. But given his current association with DNT and the politics per se, that is expected of him like anyone else. And still I dont change my opinion about his political prospects and abilities. To be becoming a nation’s PM, one has to be sound not just technically but has to be seasoned with experience and exposure in all spheres such as economic, social, international, bureaucratic aspects.

    • What current association with the DNT and Dasho are you talking about, he has no association and does not want to have anything to do with this opportunistic party.

  19. Ha ha, see all the fools are talking who think they can change the world when they can’t change their own ways…

  20. This time the people of Trashigang should unite and approach Dasho Chhewang to join politics. As far as I know there is no better presidential candidate from Trashigang. If he joins DPT he will become minister but if he joins as DNT president he might become Prime Minister. I think the people of Trashigang know which is better and can bring changes to Trashigangpas and the people of Bhutan. Let us all(Trashigangpas) come together and request Dasho Chhewang to join DNT.

    During 2008 I had supported DPT but this time I want to go for new party.

    • Tashingangpas are not going to support DNT just because you are going to.

      • How do you know Trashigangpas are not going to support DNT. I am sure most Trashigangpas will support DNT if Dasho Chhewang joins DNT. I know this because I am from Trashigang.

    • You can go wherever you want, but please don’t try to fool other Tashigangpas, they are not as stupid as you to vote for the DNT, a party with no honour, whatsoever. Just left the PDP, their parent party without as much as a goodbye.

      • Yes, Dasho CR may be one of the best potential candidates to lead the Nation. He is a man of words and actions. He is one who translates words into action. Smart, handsome, energetic and capable, and very hardworking (works 24×7), but when talking about integrity, there is a huge ??????????. dig his past and present and even a stupid could understand how clean he is. BUT he is capable and smart, infact very very smart…………

  21. All Tashigangpas will vote for DPT and not for any other PARTIES, this I bet!

  22. Most of the Tashigangpa’s women name are Towmo and men are Towpo. Now I am convinced why their names are kept this way.

    • Why? Would you have like a revolution to start from there? It is not just the Tashingangpas who elected DPT to power but whole Bhutan. So please do not get regional. I think Tashigang has been exploited and abused all along just because people are humble, and there is no need for anybody to sensationalize further.  

  23. All those experinced who enjoyed while in authority are mostly tainted and there is hardly anyone impeccable. Now options are left for someone with integrity, down to earth and above all qualified, capable, committed etc.

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