Digging to now commence in Dechencholing, Pamtsho, Hejo, Chubachu and CFM

ADB granted a total amount of USD 4.26 million for Thimphu roads improvement project, which consist of IV Lots aiming to improve about 70 percent of existing road within Thimphu city.

Of the four Lots, lot II under this project will soon start in the capital. The locations under Lot II are Dechencholing, Pamtsho, Hejo, Chubachu and Centenary Farmers Market with a total area of 57,000 sq, which comes around 7 km in total.

The work was awarded to SL Construction Private Limited at a total cost of Nu 50 mn for a period of 18 months. The work consists of blacktopping, drainage work and improvement of existing highways in Pamtsho and Hejo.

The road improvement work of 300-meter road behind the Centenary Farmers Market (CFM) will start by 1st Week of July. However, the re-servicing work of Dechencholing road is already completed.

A Thromde official said that they have not received any written complaint of the road condition behind the CFM. However, the road condition is totally worn out with lots of potholes as there is no base in the road.

She said, “The road condition was all good before, but somehow later on with the need of public, lots of development works were carried and one reason for this kind of road situation is due to lying of sewer pipeline in the past year”.

She also said that the contractor would soon start the work whereby as of today they have been collecting the materials for the construction.

She also said that the 18 months contract period is more than sufficient to complete the entire project. Meanwhile, Choki Nima, a proprietor of SL Construction said that for this work, 18 months is more than enough. However, he said that, the blacktopping work would be carried out after monsoon season.

He also said that the work was awarded very recently whereby the small improvement work in Dechecholing, a road between Dechencholing Brigde and RBG gate was completed. “I will start the work of CRM in the first week of July and simultaneously with other allocated areas and keep doing the emergency work,” he said.

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