Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) launched 46 candidates on 1st June. DNT said that its candidate from Dogar-Shaba, Nima Tshering couldn’t make it for the launch as the candidate is resigning. However, DNT plans to introduce a replacement candidate soon.
Of the 46 candidates, 5 are women. Five former parliamentarians and three former government secretaries are among the candidates.
Out of the 46 candidates, 12 represented DNT in 2013 elections while the rest are new candidates. During the launch, DNT President, Dr Lotay Tshering, said the country comes before party.
He also said DNT has the slogan ‘narrowing the gaps’ whereby he said that they would serve people with equality, fairness and justice if given a chance. “Democracy would grow strong if there are many competitors,” he said.
He also said that they don’t see any challenges as they are giving people a choice, and DNT is not worried about winning or losing.
Phuntsho Namgay, 32, from Chhumig-Ura constituency worked as a contractor. Dawa, 40, from Chhoekhor-Tang constituency worked as a broadcast journalist and a media consultant.
Tshewang Lham, 36, from Bongo-Chapchha constituency is a former NC. Jai Bir Rai, 45, is another candidate from Phuentsholing constituency and he has served as an economic and financial specialist.
Jurmi Wangchuk, 57, representing Drukjeygang-Tseyza constituency is a human rights specialist. Hemant Gurung, 61, from Lhamoi Dzingkha-Tashiding constituency was a former DPT MP.
35-year-old Tenzin is a candidate from Khatoed-Laya constituency and he was a community worker in the past. The youngest among the candidates is 25-year-old Yeshey Dem, a university graduate from Khamaed-Lunana constituency.
Ugen Tenzin, 52, is a former DPT MP from Bji-Kartshog constituency. Another woman candidate is Dorjee Wangmo, 29, from Sombaykha constituency who has served as an ICT Officer.
Tshering Phuntsho, 39, is from Maenbi- Tsaengkhar constituency is a researcher. Kinga Penjor, 43, a candidate from Gangzur-Minjey constituency is a former broadcast journalist.
Kunzang Drukpa, 55, from Kengkhar- Weringla constituency was a special educationist. 49-year-old Jigme Dorji from Drametse-Ngatshang constituency was an education consultant, researcher and a trainer. 63-year- old Dasho Sherub Gyeltshen, a candidate from Monggar constituency. He is a Vice President of the party and was the DDC Secretary.
Ugyen Tshering, 53, is from Lamgong-Wangchang constituency. He was a former parliamentarian and documentary-film maker.
Dr Tandi Dorji, 49, from Lingmukha-Toedwang constituency served as pediatrician and a health consultant. 33-year-old Tshencho Wangdi from Kabisa-Talog constituency was an entrepreneur and a travel Consultant.
41-year-old, Karma Dorji from Nanglam constituency worked as electrical engineer. Dr Ugyen Tshewang (PhD), 57, from Khar-yurung constituency is the former NEC Secretary.Pema Wangda, 59, from Nanong-Shumar constituency was the former Labor Secretary.
Thinley Namgay, 35, from Dewathang-Gomdar was a community worker and an entrepreneur. 41-year- old Ugyen Dorji from Jomotshangkha-Martshala constituency served as human resources officer.
Dinesh Kumar Pradhan, 57, from Ugyentse-Yoeseltse constituency was an educationist. 47-year-old Loknath Sharma from Dophuchen-Tading constituency was in the field of transport and community service.
Dil Maya Rai, 45, from Tashichhoeling constituency was a social development specialist. The fourth candidate, Ganesh Ghimiray, 48, is a businessman and he is from Phuentshogpelri-Samtse constituency.
40-year-old, Tek Bhadur Rai from Sompangkha constituency served as a civil engineer. Karma Donnen Wangdi, 47, from Gelegphu constituency is a former NC and DPT candidate.
Among the five candidates is Dorji Tshering, 39, who has served as civil engineer and is from Radhi-Sagteng constituency. Tenzin Namgyel, 38, ifrom Kanglung-Samkhar-Udzorong constituency has worked as broadcast and print journalist.
52 –year-old Tenzin Lekphell has served as management specialist and is the General Secretary of the party. He is from Bartsham-Shongphu constituency. Ugyen Dorji, 32, is a former journalist and a diplomat and is from the Thrimshing-Kangpar constituency.
Jigme Wangdi, 29, from Wamrong-Lumang constituency was an educationist.
Dr Lotay Tshering, 50, is the representative from south Thimphu constituency and he served as a consultant urologist, and is currently the Party President. Dechen Wangmo, 42, is from north Thimphu constituency and she has served as Cardiopulmonary and was a public health specialist.
Sangay Dorji, 59, from Boomdeling-Jamkhar constituency was a former RCSC Commissioner. 48-year-old, Karma Gyeltshen from Khamdang-Ramjar constituency was a business administrator.
54- year-old Yeshey Penjor has served in environment and is a civil engineer. He is from Nubi-Tangsibji constituency. Gyem Dorji, 41, is a former environmentalist and a forester. He is from Draagteng-Langthil constituency.
Garja Man Rai, 34, has served as an IT engineer and is from Sergithang –Tsirangtoed constituency. 32-year-old Bimal Thapa is a graduate and was a farmer. He is from Kilkhorthang-Mendrelgang constituency.
Wangchuk Namgyel, 53, is a former educationist and is from Nyishog-Saephu constituency. 37-year-old Kinley Wangchuk was in business field and was also a media consultant. He is from Athang-Thedtsho constituency.
Sonam Leki, 38, is from Bardo-Trong constituency, while Tshering, 45, is from Panbang constituency. Both the candidates have served in education.