DNT optimistic of winning 2018

The Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT), one of the two registered parties outside the parliament, say they are stronger than ever before and optimistic of winning the third general elections in 2018.

This optimism stems from the enormous amount of support expressed by diverse people from across the country and the number of candidates that have expressed interest to join the party, party officials said.

“We have almost completed identification and nomination of candidates,” said DNT president Dr. Tandi Dorji. Its manifesto is also being strengthened.

As of now, the party has 39 confirmed candidates of the 47 constituencies. The president said that in the remaining constituencies there is more than one interested candidate and in others the candidate continues to have obligation at their work place.

“Of the identified candidates, majority are in their constituencies undertaking familiarization tours with approval from the Election Commission of Bhutan,” Dr Tandi Dorji said.

“We have a few civil servants who are continuing to serve, but we hope they will resign in due time and have time to carry out their familiarization tours.”

The party said the main challenge would be funding an effective campaign. “We are confident that with two national elections behind us, the people are now more aware and knowledgeable about democracy. They will not only choose the right Party but will also choose the most qualified and capable candidate,” said Dr. Tandin Dorji.

Party officials said their greatest strength has always been the team of candidates and supporters and the democratic manner in which they have made all decisions. “We must ensure that democracy works and for that it is critical that DNT be offered as a choice for the people to vote. Our unified strength – as Nyamrup – is our collective strength,” the party president said.

There is a growing sense of change, which is good for democracy and DNT offers that change according to party officials. “Rating and predictions, as we have seen in the past, is not reliable – nevertheless we have built a strong team and a strong party that enables us to have confidence that the people of Bhutan will support us,” the president said.

“We are different because we believe in collective leadership, teamwork and on long-term goals for the country,” said Dr. Tandi Dorji. “We believe in sustainability and in uniting the people rather than on short term promises and dividing our community. These, we think are what make us different from others,” he added on a confident note.

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