Photo of DNT Convention before the 2018 elections

DNT Pledges being incorporated into draft 12th plan

The DNT Spokesperson Dr Tandin Dorji said that the majority of the DNT’s pledges have already been incorporated into the 12th plan.

The Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) recently did a presentation of the draft 12th plan to the Prime Minister and senior DNT leaders

At the presentation GNHC informed the Prime Minister and DNT leaders of a unique initiative under taken by the GNHC to save time for the new government.

Right after the primary round when it was clear that either DNT or the DPT would form the government, the GNHC divided itself into two teams.

One team went through the DNT manifesto and compared and aligned as much of its pledges as it could into the draft 12th plan. Another team did the same with the DPT manifesto.

Dr Tandin said that from the presentation of the GNHC it was clear that a majority if the pledges are already aligned in the latest draft of the 12th plan.

The draft 12th plan is currently at Nu 309 bn but it expected to change as the DNT incorporates more pledges and raises resources for the plan.

Dr Tandin said that DNT would have to raise the funds for the 12th plan as no budget has been mobilized yet.

He said, “After 7th November the DNT government will have a series of meetings with them to discuss the and go very minutely through the draft 12th plan to incorporate our other pledges.”

The current draft Nu 309 bn 12th plan is made up of around Nu 193 bn in current expenditure which is for salaries, maintenance of public infrastructure, running of government and repayment of loans.
The capital component is around Nu 116 bn and this budget has to do with building fresh infrastructure like roads, hospitals, schools etc.

Of the Nu 309 bn draft plan the internal revenue is around Nu 218 bn, the grant component is around Nu 61.65 bn and the shortfall is around Nu 29 bn.

However, an official explained that the shortfall can be covered by the new government by raising alternate sources of funding, revenue and others.

For example, the draft 11th plan was smaller but the former government could raise additional funding and resources to increase the size of the 11th plan.

The DNT government in incorporating its pledges is also expected to lead to the current Nu 309 bn draft plan increasing in size as its adds more programs and secures funds and raises additional funds too.


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