DNT requests the two old parties to stop spreading false rumors

From right General Secretary Tenzin Lekphel, Spokesperson  Dr. Tandin, Vice President  Achyut Bhandari, Dr. Lotey  and Mr. Jigme Dorji
From right General Secretary Tenzin Lekphel, Spokesperson Dr. Tandin, Vice President Achyut Bhandari, Dr. Lotey and Mr. Jigme Dorji

Post-primaries, the Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) made it as a hot topic in every news segment, especially after seven of its candidates, which includes its president and vice president, joined the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

The party still remains the flavor of the week, and now the burning topic for political debates. DNT is mainly being accused of forming a coalition with the former opposition party, PDP.

The water of tarnish has probably sunk in deep enough, as the DNT decided to call a press conference on Thursday to clarify its independent stand.

“We would like to appeal to both parties to refrain from inciting our party workers to join them, and in spreading false rumors about DNT’s status as a political party,” said party vice president (VP) Achyut Bhandari.

DNT had neither merged nor formed a coalition, as it undermines the party’s very founding principle of building a strong political institution, and reduces its own prospect for future elections.

“We would like to reiterate that seven candidates have joined the PDP on their own accord, apparently keeping the interest of democracy and the people of their constituencies in mind. We cannot bind them to stay in the party. People will come and go, but the Nyamrup sprit shall live on as an institution,” said Achyut Bhandari.

This is, in essence, acknowledged by the ECB in its press release on June 17 following a meeting between all the political parties on June 10, wherein all political parties had agreed on the need to ensure that the letter, as well as sprit of the Constitution, and the laws are upheld and that they are committed to abide by the laws at all times.

The DNT VP also stated the departure of its former president, vice president and five candidates have not impacted the functioning of the party. All of its founding members including a vice president, general secretary, treasurer, spokesperson, and other office bearers are in place.

DNT conveyed that the strength of the party lies within the participation of every member of DNT, and not on the presence of one or two individuals.

“We have always believed that one or two individuals should not make or break a party,” said the DNT VP.

The party is scheduled to elect a new president in the next annual party convention. In the meantime, the party is led by its VP, the general secretary, and the remaining seven members of the central executive committee.

DNT’s spokesperson Dr Tandin Dorji said, “Democracy is very young, we are all learning this valuable experience for DNT. Actually, we started off, we took experience of DPT and PDP, we want to learn and take the strength they had built and avoid the mistake they have made, similarly as we hope over next five years, we as a party we are developing to keep in touch with constituencies, we will engage our candidates and encourage them to closely keep in touch with their constituencies and voters building our strategy on how to encourage our party coordinators and workers to remain active.”

If the new government allows, DNT will move around the country and has plans to open three regional offices in the next five years, besides depending on the resources.

DNT candidate Dr Lotay Tshering said, “To strengthen democracy, one need not be in Parliament as a registered political party, I thought that was the most significant step. DNT will be able to contribute in other ways to strengthen democratic process in the country so it does not mean that if it is not represented in Parliament, DNT does not have a role to play in the democratic process. Next five years we will be involved in personal works, but overall, we will be busy in the political works.”

The DNT VP Achyut Bhandari thanked all its party supporters and voters for giving 17% of the national votes.

He said the successful outcome for a new party has firmly placed DNT as a strong political institution in the country.


Tshering Dorji

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  1. During the chitshogdangpa i found DNT was the best. Because most of the candidates were qualified and experienced and was able to present efficienntly at the debates.
    I was sure our bhutanese people will vote for change and dnt would form govt. Dpt and Pdp was fit for opposition.Our rural people and also many civil servants, business people etc think o fonly Head. This has become embedded in its braims. We need efficient President or PM as it will be easy and comfortable for Lonpos, other MPs and NCs to function smoothly. But overall we need very good -educated and experienced members below the Head of Govt. There is a saying “gyalpo mitso lonpo tso”. Therefore Lonpos and MPs have to be highly educated and skilled so that PM could be guided.  
    Therefore let us not think of Head only but think of trunk, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits also. If we think of Head only and give votes, then it is better to stop Common Frum where candidates and people waste lot of precious time to attend forum. Let JYT and TT have debates for 2-3 hrs and no common forum. That is all. We can laks of Nu.

    Common forum is held to find out who has good plans and explain and convince people about it. Forum can also find who can present better i.e find candidtes potential.

    So let us give votes who performs better in the forum. It should be biased to dpt or pdp. So far i personally find as follows:
    1.In samtsi Rebecagurung performed very poor. She was also afraid Q & A session & skipped.
    2.Leelapradhan was slightly better than Ribeca but still performed poorly in presentation and QA session. Dpt supporters speak of experience -now where is Leela 5yrs experience?

    3.In dagana hemangurung presentation was very ambitious. Can it be achieved.  because Dpt so far was telling that Pdp’s proposal of 2 helicopetrs, 2ml Nu per gewog etc cannot be achieved. It is a lie to garber votes.
    But in dagana Hemangurung siad that Pdp’s 2ml per gewog is like a chocolate distribution to students meaning this is nothing. He said Dpt has the plan to give 10ml Nu per gewog. Frankly speking this is the LIES 5 times more. So let us judge who is telling lies to get votes -Pdp or Dpt.

    4.Samtsi -Tahsicholing pdp candidate was speaking substance. His only problem is little bit of stammering. But overall slightly better than Dpt.

    5.In Tsirang Yangkutshering sherpa of Dpt performed excellent. Hats off to him. I will give him 100 votes if i am allowed.

    6.Mongar -Jignizangpo was better than Karmalhamo. KL was fast speaker but talked sometimes like a child. Not much substance. Also she spoke very angrily. Do we as public need such quality of leadership? I dont think.

    7.In kengkhar the Dpt kota was sopke excellent. Zai, zai, he speaks like exPM. Probably he learnt this skill from PM as he worked with PM for a long time. I will give him 100% marks and Pdp kota at 70%. Pdp kota is 1st time but still his QA session was not that poor. He can do better in 2018.

    So, guys let us give votes to capable persons who performed excellt in forums. Let us forget as our friend or ata kota or aku ajang or khotkinmathang but vote without bias.

  2. Didn’t is happen? the coalition had happened….. DNT Present and Dy President left their own party….

  3. Whatever you say, DNT’s 17% is now reduced to a similar position as DCT’s. We can only say that DNT has not lived up to its ‘Nyamrup’ spirit because the very people who are supposed to model it made individual choices (as you claim) and deserted the party. There’s only one lesson that you should learn – be careful in choosing your leader(s). DNT as a party showed a lot of promise but now the reality is that the very people who have been chosen to take it forward has left it. Hence, it will be an uphill battle but I like your spirit to carry on & wish you all the best. I hope your press conference is not just a saving grace strategy.

  4. Dr. Tandin and Dr Lotey, just shut up, DNT is finished and the sooner you realize it, the better. All your flowery words about the party is not going to change anything, you have already lost the moral high ground.

  5. Nyamrup has changed into Nyamdhom which refers to coalition. It is not a coalition only because the Constitution does not allow it to be called. Otherwise, it is a coalition in principle. All of these 7 candidates will return to DNT after 13th July because none of them is likely to get elected as the people’s minds have changed.

  6. lets predict who comes to power? it is our motto. 

  7. DNT is has merged with PDP along with its President and Deputy President. Hence which DNT we are refering to?

  8. Poor DNT, your parents and few siblings abandoned you for a greener pasture. Now, nothing can repair your torn party. Just because something is legal, you have to do it? It is not illegal to jump from a cliff, so must you jump?

  9. Dnt&pdp maynt b colition,it cudn’t 4 democracy..let us vote them n c the outcome..I think they can do

  10. DNT& DCT are wiped out and swallowed by PDP. They are dead and sunk like Titanic. It is believed that those parties will be no more and public wants to kick their ass if ever decieved again. PDP with ex -DNT &Chirwang  Tsogpa will lose and will not gain power due to much focus on Helicopter and will not benefit the Public as the end user will be either influential family,Minister,Business Person & Civil Serrvants.It will be burden and huge expenese to the GOVT. This policy of wooing the voter will be a big trap for them.

  11. Nyamrup became Kamrup/sumrup/nyamdhom. Party cannot stand up and lead

  12. DNT as a party will be reviewed, said CEC. I think there are terms and conditions to be fulfilled as a party. The Bhutanese people decided not to vote for party without clear principles and ideology. How can people vote for people who move to another party after each election? Rolling stones gather no moss. DNT should now be dissolved and should not be allowed to contest in 2018. They have cheated the country. Forget about the words of Dr. Lotay and Dr. Tandin. These are parrots in search of honey and not nuts.

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