DPT clears its path for 2013

The Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) has cleared off its debt before the June 30 deadline with the payment of its left over dues of approximately Nu 600,000 with Bhutan Times.

The DPT treasurer, Tshewang Rinzin said the left over balance with Bhutan Times was entirely the cost the party incurred for the notifications and advertisement and also for disseminating party’s manifesto to the public.

With approximately 200 to 300 members, the party was able to pay off the dues. “This time the contributions were all made by the members and few party’s supporters,” said Tshewang Rinzin

Around 80 to 90% of members contributed Nu 100,000 and few had donated more than Nu 200,000. The party members as well as supporters can contribute maximum of Nu 500,000 according to election rules.

The DPT treasurer said this time there was no contribution from the DPT MPs since they had already helped clear the previous debt with Bank of Bhutan (BoB).

The DPT has managed its debts through a combination of a 10% contribution from MP’s salaries, ministers and MPs taking loans to pay its debts

“We feel much lighter as we do not owe dues to any organization or agencies,” Tshewang Rinzin said. “The path for 2013 election is now been cleared.”

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