DRA will assess face masks sold in the market

The Drug Regulatory Authority (DRA) will check on the face masks sold in the market and if any shops are found to sell low quality surgical masks that does not meet up to the health standards then DRA will seize their face masks.

During the COVID-19 press brief, Health Minister Dechen Wangmo said the face masks which can be seen in the market are of different types. The most common face masks are surgical masks and the other is cloth masks. The Minister recommended the public to use washable face masks since COVID-19 will stay for another two years. She said to use facemasks properly and washing cloth masks will prevent waste, said the Minister.

The Minister said some thin surgical masks which are sold in the market is of single ply and it is only to protect dust entering the mouth or nose and other than that, it has no benefits.

DRA is monitoring the face masks that are sold in the market.

Lyonpo said that when it comes to face masks, the first thing is quality and the second thing is how to use face masks in a proper way.

Health minister said face shields are used mostly in hospital by the health staffs for eye protection and to prevent splatter. But to protect one’s mouth and nose, wearing face masks is important. She said that the face shield does not substitute for a face mask.

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