Two Bhutanese Youth Leaders selected among the community based scouts are in Denmark for a month long exchange program. The two phased exchange program will be held in Denmark and Bhutan where the youth leaders learn each country’s ways of scouting and produce adult leaders who will assist and support the development of active and responsible individuals among the youth population in the communities.
The Community Based Scout or Druk Midey Scouts was established in the year 2009 as voluntary, non-political and non-governmental organization open to all in accordance with the purpose, principles and methods of the Scout Movement as a part of Bhutan Scout Association. During its initial days, it just had 30 members in 3 Dzongkhags but as of 2015 it covered 11 Dzongkhags with about 1090 members excluding 30,000 general scout members.
The CBS was established mainly to cater the youth population particularly out-of-school youth by means of involving adult leaders at the community level. Both the young and adult members of the community are therefore encouraged to take up scouting on voluntary basis through self motivation for the benefit of the community in particular and the country at large.
“It is not that glamorous when people hear that you are a volunteer, but sometimes I do believe that we can make a difference because we don’t expect anything in return.” Said Kinley Dema one of the youth leaders currently in Denmark.
Since its establishment in 2009, Community Based Scout was being supported by Danish Guide and Scouts Association (DDS) in collaboration with the Danish Youth Council (DUF) a non-government organization from Denmark. The DDS and DUF fund the whole program.
The Danish Youth Council hosts many other youth leader exchange programs in other developing countries of Middle East, North Africa, Central America, etc. where they train the youth leaders so towards a better society.
This year (2016) they are hosting youth leader exchange programs from three countries; Bhutan, Denmark and Honduras. “We hope to give back to our Bhutanese society all the values we learn and encourage them to be a scout member because there are benefits that are beyond wealth and luxury.” said Tandin Tshering another Youth Leader currently in the exchange program. Both of them will be back to Bhutan in the coming week.
The DUF seminar provides basics in Project Management Tool, Sustainability, Facilitating, Presentation, and Logical Framework Approach. It provides support to strengthen the BSA both in size and coverage.
BSA and DDS signed a partnership program where they decided to have a youth leader exchange program since 2007.