Engineering Council of Bhutan launched to enhance the profession

The Engineering Council of Bhutan was launched on friday. With the start of operation, all Engineering Professionals in the country will be required to register with the Engineering Council of Bhutan.

A presenter from MoWHS said that in the past there was fewer engineers in the country and now through government scholarships and self expenditure, there are many people with engineering degrees, at various levels such as Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate.

“Back then, Bhutanese received Engineering Education from India and abroad and now there is no data of engineers in the country since there are many engineers from different places,” she said.

The Engineering Council of Bhutan is envisioned towards: Pursuing Engineering Excellence through Innovation with a mission to advance promote Engineering Profession in the country.

She said, “The objectives of the Council shall be to certify and ensure the competence of individuals through registration, attest professional ethics and conduct of registered professionals, and facilitate the growth of the profession through continuous assessment.”

She said that the Engineering Council will set and maintain the recognized standards of professional competence and ethics, provides benchmarks, govern the award and retention of these titles.

“This would ensure the public, employers, government and those overseas have confidence in the knowledge, experience and commitment of professionally registered engineers, planners, architects and professionals alike,” she said.

The benefits of registration and the need to get certified to practice can be viewed in detail from the site for more information.

The Council was established under the Department of Engineering Services, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement (MoWHS) on an interim measure.

The Department was mandated to spearhead the formulation of the overall framework for the Council and to develop the associated guidelines on registration and certification, continuing professional development and on code of ethics and conduct.

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  1. Karma wangchuk

    Hello..i couldn’t able to find registration form for ecob..plz can help me la

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