Enhancing YDF’s initiative in collaboration with Youthreach

H er Majesty the Queen Mother Ashi Tshering Pem Wangchuck, President of Youth Development Fund (YDF) and Her Royal Highness Ashi Chimi Yangzom Wangchuck, Vice President of YDF, met with President, Uday Khemka of nonprofit organization Youthreach on April 28 in New Delhi, India.

The discussions between Youth Development Fund (YDF) and Youthreach included the possibility of exploring furtherareas of collaboration in strengthening YDF’s program in livelihood skills, youth leadership, mentorship and volunteerism programs, release states.

The “Passport to Success: A Life Skills” program is the main collaborative project between YDF and Youth Reach.

Her Majesty and Her Highness also visited the “Youth Empowerment Success” project at Lal Kaun center and interacted with the girls at the center.

The Lal Kaun center facilitates work readiness programs for young girls from rural areas and aims at empowering them through education and life skills development.

The relationship between Youth Development Fund (YDF) and Non-Government Organization (NGO) Youth Reach, India started in 2012 after YDF became a member of International Youth Foundation.

The YDF has been working in the areaofyouthdevelopment since 1999 and is one of the first civil societies registered in Bhutan.

Since its establishment, YDF has been able to reach and make a difference in the lives of many young people through its main programs: youth participation and child protection, empowerment for employment, drug education, prevention and rehabilitation, and scholarships.

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