Enthusiastic voters chant same mantra but different factors change their minds

As far as enthusiasm goes, there seems to be aplenty of it among voters in Thimphu waiting for the general election poll day on July 13. A few factors, however, present themselves as a deal breaker to their anxious wishes.

A taxi driver Sangay said, “All us taxi drivers thought of voting, but there arises a problem of money to refuel the car and hotels. As I am from Radhi, Trashigang, which is very far from capital, it will cost around Nu 6,000 to fuel for a to-and-fro journey. I will be deciding whether to move or not, but incase if I move, I will move three days ahead on July 10. I have missed my chance to vote in the primary round due to financial constraint too, but this time I will not miss it.”

“My postal ballot being rejected, how can I vote for the capable candidate? I cannot even go to my demkhong because strictly complying by company norms, I have to perform well during my 6 months probations here. I think, in the coming future, the concerned authorities should raise this matter to encourage more voter turnouts,” said Ugyen Tshering a corporate employee.

Tshering Yangden who is a private employee said, “As I am not eligible to vote by postal ballot. I am travelling to my demkhong in Pemagatshel on the 10th to cast my vote and I will be taking my own car.”

She added, “In a democracy it is important for me to cast my one vote, as one vote can make a huge difference, and I have missed the chance to do it during the primary round due to some personal problem.”

A graduate from Sherubtse College Yenten said, “I am not going to vote in general round, since I have not registered during the primary round as a postal ballot voter. I can’t cast vote in the general round of election, as I am from the far east of the country. Even though I can understand the value of a vote and the importance of democratic process, but due to financial constraint I can’t vote.”

Phuntsho a businessman in Thimphu said, “It’s very important to cast a vote, I have voted in 2008 elections and primary round too. On July 9, I will move to my village which is in Pemagatshel to cast vote for the person who I believe to be the right candidate and I will take my own car for the journey.”

He added saying, “In democracy voters are the main component in selecting a right leader and to strengthen democracy we should support by voting, as one vote can make a difference.”

Tshering Dorji / Thimphu

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  1. the concerned authorities should look in to this matter seriously in the future….thus if you act accordingly there is chance to achieve more voters turn out…..

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