Final report shows monsoon crop damage across Dzongkhags

Apart from damages to property and road infrastructure several dzongkhags suffered a significant crop loss to the monsoon according to a report released by the Agriculture Ministry.

In Bumthang, potato crop of 115 acres amounting to 793,833 kg were affected. Crops like buckwheat and maize were also damaged.

Of the 165.37 acres of cultivated area in Chapcha, Chukha, 17 acres of 50 households suffered crop damage. Another 35 acres of crops were damaged in the other six gewogs by landslides and 1.3 acres of cardamom plantation in Bongo gewog belonging to 145 households were damaged by floods.

Landslides damaging 15 acres of crop belonging to 13 households of Gozhi, Gesarling, Tashiding and Dorona gewogs in Dagana dzongkhag. The maximum amount of damage was to the cardamom, paddy and maize.

Potato, maize, cardamom and apple crop amounting to 54700.17 kg were damaged in Haa dzongkhag. These crops belonged to 56 households were grown in a 17 acre area.

In Mongar, 120,785 kg of maize was damaged belonging to 260 households and spread over 81.23 acres.

10 gewogs in Wangduephodrang suffered a loss of 394,946.9 kg of cultivated crop grown in 165.66 acres of land by 467 households from heavy rainfall, hailstorm and flash flood.

Geneykha and Mewang gewog in Thimphu suffered damages to chilli, potato and other vegetables cultivated over 130 acres.

A total of 49 households in the gewogs of Samdrup Jongkhar, Lauri, Serthi, Wangphu and Marsthalla in the south eastern part of the suffered damage to 35 acres of cultivated land.

In Samtse, landslides damaged 21.09 acres of wet and dry land in six gewogs that grew paddy, mandarin, areca nut, ginger and cardamom affecting 63 households.

Heavy rain, flash flood and landslides affected 152 households in ten gewogs of Sarpang with total crop damage estimated at 21,338 kg. The crops damaged includes paddy, mandarin, cardamom, vegetables, maize, areca nut and other fruits over a 105.65 acre area.

All damages in Trongsa Dzongkhag was from hailstorm which hit 95.22 acres of cultivated land in Langthel, Nubi, Tangsibji and Drakten gewog.

Phuentenchhu and Patshaling gewog in Chirang suffered a loss of 1,550 kg of maize and 300 kg of cardamom from a landslide.

Landslide on July affected five households in Shingkhar, Zhemgang dzongkhag, damaging crop grown in a 1.21 acre of land.

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