Fines for not stopping at Zebra crossings

To make the zebra crossing more effective the Thimphu traffic police has decided that it will strictly impose fines on all motorists to who fail to give pedestrians the right of way.

The zebra crossing safety initiative was started in 2015 and put into practice in the past year with guidance from the traffic personnel.

Traffic SP, Younten T Phuentsho, said the objective behind strict fines is to make the initiative a greater success. “There are few who don’t apply the rules, some pedestrians tend to take advantage of the zebra crossing walking slow and talking in the middle of the road. In addition, there are motorist who don’t see left and right leading to minor accidents,” he added.

He also said that there are situations whereby motorists do not see a pedestrian crossing road due to blocks by heavy vehicle.

For greater safety he said that they have a gap of 20 meters between two zebra crossings and they have drawn a line, 5 meters away from the zebra crossings, so that motorist can slow down.

He also said that now with CCTV’s installed in town area they can get hold of the motorists who taking a wrong turn and in hit and run cases.

As of now, there are 72 zebra cross within Thimphu. In addition, he also said that, they got good feedback from tourists. “We will not lift deploying our traffic personnel at zebra crossings until we have greater success and unless we are done educating the people,” he added.

In 2016, there were six injury cases registered with the division by motorists at zebra crossings and they collected a total amount of Nu 4,200. This year so far two injury cases were reported  and a total amount of Nu.1400 collected in fines.

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