First female Gup is re-elected

Namgay Pelden and Pema Wangmo Tamang are the only two female Gups in the country and both happen to be from Dagana, Gesarling and Tashiding. They both worked together in Tashiding Gewog as a NFE instructor.

Being the first female Gup in a country, 33 year old Namgay Pelden has this time got elected for the second time with 995 votes.

“I’m glad that the people saw the potential in me through the huge number of votes I got” she said.Namgay Pelden completed class ten in the year 2001 after which she worked as a Non Formal Education (NFE) Instructor in Tashiding gewog for 10 years. “Being the first female Gup is a matter of pride because I become a source of inspiration to many other women who have the caliber and aspires to become one but are discouraged by certain stigmas and stereotypical notions.”

She said that she was nervous and worried when she got elected as a Gup in 2011, “But gradually I learnt that it’s a responsibility that requires certain skills and not only strength” adding, “Gone are the days where the Gups and local leaders have to cross rivers and mountains to serve people, we now can simply do it through phone calls.”

“I think women are capable in terms of investing time, effort and ideas and I can foresee many number of women participating in the future” she added, “I’m glad that I’m joined by another female gup from this year”.

The Gesarling gewog administration officer, Pema Dem said, “It’s brings an immense joy when women with so much of confidence and ability comes forward”

Out of 1,423 candidates there are 203 Mangmis out of which 23 (11%) are females and 180 (89%) males, 999 Gewog Tshogpas were elected out of which 130 (13%) are females and 869    (87%) males, 1 Thrompon.

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